Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 27 Mattress "turned over" in half a year

Chapter 27 Mattress "turned over" in half a year

Chapter 37 The mattress "turns over" in half a year

Many people are willing to choose Simmons mattresses when they buy mattresses, and they feel comfortable to sleep on, but after a few years, some people will feel more and more tired after sleeping, and often wake up with back pain and general discomfort.When I checked the mattress, I found that it had been "drained" by sleeping on it, so in order to ensure a good night's sleep and not affect the health of my bones, I generally chose to let it "retire".

In fact, if used properly, the service life of the mattress can be extended.According to the characteristics of the spring mattress, in the first year of use of the new mattress, you can change the front and back or the direction of placement every 2 to 3 months, so that the spring of the mattress is evenly stressed, and then turn it over every six months. .

In addition, in order to prevent dirt such as dust and dander from polluting the skin, most families will lay quilts on the mattress, but ignore that the mattress itself will also hide dirt.Over time, bacteria, dust mites, etc. will enter the bottom layer of the mattress.The best way is to use a vacuum cleaner or a slightly damp rag to clean up the remaining dander, hair, etc. on the mattress when changing the bedspread and sheets.If the mattress is stained, you can also use soap to smear the dirty place, and then wipe it clean with a cloth, but you must find a way to dry the mattress quickly so that the mattress will not become moldy and produce odors.

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When choosing a mattress, you can also buy one with a cover, which generally has a zipper for easy removal and cleaning.If possible, you can also add a layer of cleaning pad between the mattress and the sheets, which can prevent moisture from entering the mattress, keep it clean and dry, and easy to clean.

(End of this chapter)

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