Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 279 Let the neck not reveal the age, only show the charm

Chapter 279 Let the neck not reveal the age, only show the charm
Some people say that a woman's age can be deduced by looking at the number of wrinkles on her neck.As a result, the neck becomes the place where age is most likely to be revealed, but when women take care of their skin and chest, they always ignore the important middle zone of the neck.In order to make yourself look younger, take care of your neck first!
1. Exercise
Relax your shoulders, turn your head slightly to the right in a half circle, and then do it in the opposite direction until the muscles are relaxed.This action can promote blood circulation in the neck and strengthen the muscles of the neck.

2. Moisturize
Don't just apply lotion on your face, the neck skin with less sebum secretion needs your careful care!So when doing daily maintenance, don't forget to apply some lotion containing moisturizing ingredients to the neck.

3. Sunscreen
The fine lines on the neck are sometimes exposed by ultraviolet rays, so the neck should also be protected from sun protection. Applying sunscreen lotion or tying an elegant silk scarf are good ways to protect the neck skin.

4. Massage
Every day, we turn, raise, and lower our heads countless times. Under the traction of these movements, the neck skin will gradually age, relax, and produce wrinkles, so don't neglect the care of the neck skin.You can gently massage the neck from bottom to top when you take a bath every night, and then massage the skin with lotion after washing your face.During massage, you can lift your chin, and massage your hands alternately from the clavicle to the chin 5 to 10 times to eliminate fine lines on the neck.

family life made easy

Canned beef, canned fish, salad dressing, coffee, frozen food, chocolate, cake, instant noodles, fried food, etc. are all foods that can easily make you wrinkle, so don’t eat them too often or too much.

(End of this chapter)

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