Chapter 281

In daily life, as long as you eat some legumes with every meal for two weeks, the body can increase the absorption of fiber, reduce body fat, enhance body immunity, and reduce the chance of disease (especially cancer).

Snow peas can beautify the skin.Snow peas taste sweet and delicious, rich in nutrition, contain a lot of vitamins A and C, the amino acid content is the highest among all beans, and are the most effective for beauty.

Kidney beans are a good beauty product.Eating more kidney beans can nourish the five internal organs, nourish the blood, nourish the liver, improve eyesight, help the stomach to absorb, prevent athlete's foot, and keep the skin shiny and beautiful.

Mung beans can be beautiful.Mung bean is a good product for heatstroke prevention. It is especially effective in eliminating dry lips, mouth sores, prickly heat, acne, etc. Eating more can also protect the eyes from germs and make the eyes brighter and more beautiful.

Black beans can black hair.The iron content of black beans is higher than that of ordinary beans. Eating more can enhance physical fitness, anti-aging, and make hair black and shiny.In addition, black bean vinegar can lower blood pressure.

Soybean is the "guardian" of the stomach.Eating more soybeans is beneficial to the digestion and absorption of the gastrointestinal tract, and can also moisturize the skin.The flavonoids in edamame can also prevent human aging.

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Whole soybeans, especially fried soybeans, have a low protein digestion and absorption rate due to the presence of trypstatin.In addition, some sugars in soybeans can easily cause abdominal distension because they cannot be absorbed by the body, so try not to eat whole soybeans.

Soybeans can be germinated to produce soybean sprouts that we often eat.When beans germinate, due to the action of enzymes, the phytic acid in the beans is degraded, more calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other minerals are released, and the content of carotene, vitamin B2, niacin, etc. is increased, especially Soybeans that do not contain vitamin C are rich in vitamin C.

It is advisable to choose those with short and thick sprouts for eating bean sprouts. The longer the bean sprouts are, the less nutrition they will have.

(End of this chapter)

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