Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 287 Stay away from the disfigured "culprit" in makeup

Chapter 287 Stay away from the disfigured "culprit" in makeup

Some low-quality make-up products contain substances harmful to the human body. You should ask clearly when purchasing, and never buy products that make you "excellent", so as not to hurt your skin.

1. Be careful with synthetic chemicals
Some synthetic chemicals in cosmetics, such as pigments, fragrances and preservatives, are likely to irritate the skin, causing pruritus, neurodermatitis and so on.

2. Oily cosmetics should not be excessive
The oil in cosmetics should not be excessive, because they will absorb dust in the air, cause the opening of sweat glands and hair follicles to be blocked, cause bacteria to multiply, cause folliculitis, acne and other skin diseases, thus affecting your appearance.

3. Be wary of light-sensitive substances

Many girls like to wear glowing make-up, but they don’t know that these cosmetics contain light-sensitive substances, which can easily cause itching, rashes, blisters and other symptoms on the skin under the sun’s exposure, which will affect your appearance.

4. Be wary of heavy metal substances

Many cosmetics, especially some unqualified and inferior cosmetics contain heavy metals such as lead, chromium, molybdenum, and cadmium that are harmful to the human body.After these substances are absorbed by the human body along with the makeup, they accumulate in the body day by day, which can easily cause poisoning reactions. For those who are poisoned by heavy metals, the skin on the face will appear yellow and bloodless.Therefore, we must beware of cosmetics that contain heavy metal substances.

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Do not use cosmetics containing hormone drugs casually. Long-term use of such cosmetics will cause telangiectasia, pigmentation, and skin atrophy.For some people with highly sensitive skin, special care should be taken when using cosmetics, and do not replace unused cosmetics casually.

(End of this chapter)

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