Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 29 Wash the towel and add salt to make it clean as new

Chapter 29 Wash the towel and add salt to make it clean as new
In summer, towels tend to become sticky and have a strange smell. Not only are they uncomfortable to use, but there may also be many pathogenic microorganisms on them, such as Chlamydia trachomatis, Staphylococcus aureus, fungi, etc., which affect human health.

The reason why towels become like this is mainly because some people like to wipe sweat with towels after sweating, or the towels have not been washed for a long time, and the temperature is high, and the towels tend to become sticky, hard, and emit a strange smell.In addition, free calcium and magnesium ions in the water combine with soap to form calcium-magnesium soap that adheres to the towel and hardens the towel.

In order to avoid the towel from becoming hard and sticky, the best way is to wash it frequently.Most people wash towels with laundry detergent or soap, but the downside is that it can harden them.Washing with salt can solve this problem simply and effectively. The specific method is: first wet the towel, sprinkle salt on it for scrubbing, and then rinse with clean water to remove the greasy and make the towel clean as new.

family life made easy

In summer, people use towels to wipe sweat more often, so it is recommended to wash towels once a day, which not only helps to remove bacteria, but also makes towels soft and elastic.

(End of this chapter)

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