Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 290 Cosmetics should not be shared by the whole family

Chapter 290 Cosmetics should not be shared by the whole family

Chapter 215 Cosmetics should not be shared by the whole family

When a family lives in harmony, it is easy to form the same habits in eating and living, but items do not have to be shared, especially cosmetics.

The nature of the skin varies according to each person's psychology, gender, age, environment, season, etc., so pay attention to choosing the cosmetics that suit you.

Some mothers and daughters often share a set of cosmetics regardless of each other. As a result, because the daughter uses skin care products suitable for the mother's middle-aged dry skin, the young skin with a lot of sebum secretion becomes too oily and develops acne; , If you use a cream or lotion with less oily ingredients suitable for your daughter's skin, your mother's skin will become more and more dry and rough.

Men and women cannot be mixed.In terms of sebum secretion, men have much more than women.Oily skin prone to acne in women has roughly the same amount of sebum secretion as ordinary men.In addition, when women reach the age of 40, the amount of sebum secretion decreases to about half of that at the age of 20, while for men, the amount of sebum secretion does not gradually decrease until the age of 60, so it is okay for men not to use facial cream before the age of 50.At the age of 60, when you feel tingling after washing your face or shaving, you should pay attention to using skin care products.Therefore, middle-aged and elderly women should not use their husband's male skin care products casually, otherwise the skin will become more and more dry.In addition, skin allergies vary from person to person. A cosmetic that feels good to one person may cause rashes and eczema to another. Therefore, it is important to choose cosmetics that suit your skin carefully and not share them with others. .

family life made easy

The following cosmetics are prohibited after a woman is pregnant:

1. Hair dye: Hair dye can not only cause skin cancer, but also cause birth defects.

2 Cold perm essence: After pregnancy, women's hair is not only fragile, but also easy to fall off. If they use cold perm essence to dye their hair, it will aggravate hair loss.

3. Lipstick: After pregnant women apply lipstick, harmful substances in the air will be adsorbed on their lips and invade the body with saliva, causing harm to the fetus.

(End of this chapter)

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