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Chapter 296 Don't Leave Cosmetics on Your Face Overnight

Chapter 296 Don't Leave Cosmetics on Your Face Overnight

After returning home, some women go to bed without removing makeup due to fatigue, and some women even think that they will continue to participate in social activities such as banquets tomorrow, and do not remove makeup in order to save energy and effort.In fact, this habit is not good.Because the use of cosmetics can make people more beautiful, but cosmetics are most susceptible to environmental pollution. Although they are high-end cosmetics, they will deteriorate if they are left on the face for a long time, and they will block the breathing of pores and even penetrate into the skin. Inflammation of the skin is not worth the candle.Therefore, cosmetics should not be applied overnight on the face.

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Trial packaging of cosmetics has great health risks. Gastrointestinal infectious diseases such as hepatitis and dysentery may be spread through trial packaging. These pains have a certain incubation period. It is also quite difficult to defend rights, so when we buy cosmetics, we should not try cosmetics at will.

(End of this chapter)

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