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Chapter 299 Drinking Water Correctly, The Weight Loss Effect Is Level 1 Great

Chapter 299 Drinking Water Correctly, The Weight Loss Effect Is Superb
How to drink water to help lose weight?Nutritionists suggest that it is best not to drink water when eating meals.Because water is drunk with food, it is not easy to get rid of body water, and gastric juice is diluted, which can easily cause problems such as indigestion and flatulence.Drinking water should try to choose the space between meals and meals.Nutritionists propose the following ways to drink water to lose weight:
First glass of water: Before breakfast.

If you wake up at 8:00 in the morning, the first thing you do after getting up is to drink water, drink about 300-500 ml of warm water, brush your teeth, wash your face and toilet after drinking water, and have breakfast half an hour later.

Nutritionists emphasize that you must drink warm water.Do not drink ice water. Ice water will cause stomach cramps, poor circulation of Qi and blood, and cause harm to the body.

Second glass of water: Before lunch.


At this time, the blood concentration in our body is relatively high, and drinking water can dilute the blood that is too thick.

The third glass of water: before dinner.


Between 3:00 and 5:00 in the afternoon is the period of vigorous metabolism of the kidney and bladder. Drinking water at this time can activate these two organs and help eliminate waste.

The fourth glass of water: before going to bed.

Drink about 90-60ml of water from 200 minutes after meals to 300 minutes before going to bed.

Drinking water at night is mainly to replenish water for the body.

family life made easy

Drinking water refers to drinking plain water, do not replace it with tea, coffee, beverages, soup, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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