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Chapter 314 Washing repeatedly after being bitten by a pet

Chapter 314 Washing repeatedly after being bitten by a pet

If you have dogs, cats and other pets at home, it is inevitable that there will be some accidents and even be bitten by pets.What should I do if I am bitten by a pet?What issues should be paid attention to?

First squeeze the wound to bleed, rinse the wound repeatedly with thick soapy water, then rinse with plenty of water, dry it, and burn the wound with 5% iodine to remove or kill the rabies virus that pollutes the wound.As long as the major blood vessels are not injured, bandages or sutures are generally not required.If conditions permit, rabies serum and tetanus antimycin can be injected around the wound.

In addition, it should also be noted that after being bitten by a pet, the rabies vaccine should be injected as soon as possible, and the sooner the better.The best time to get the first shot of the vaccine is within 48 hours of being bitten.

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Even if you are not bitten by a rabid dog, you should be vaccinated.Because animals fight and bite each other, they may transmit rabies virus to each other, so people may also be infected with rabies after being bitten.

Therefore, for the sake of insurance, anyone who is bitten by a dog or other animals should be treated as a rabies bite, and should be vaccinated against rabies in time, which cannot be taken lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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