Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 316 Teaching a Dog to Squat and Wait While Eating

Chapter 316 Teaching a Dog to Squat and Wait While Eating

When feeding food, the dog is often impatient to wait, but don’t let it eat right now, but give the “squat down” command first, and then put the food bowl in front of it after it completes the action. When you want to eat, you can call the "wait" command while taking the food bowl away, and then start from the "squat" training.

When shouting the "squat" command, you should put your hand on the dog's buttocks and press down on its hind legs.

You can also lift the food bowl above the dog's head, and the dog will naturally look up, while its hind legs droop, and it is easy to press its buttocks to the ground at this moment.If the dog has a collar, you can grab the collar and lift it up, then let the hind legs touch the ground.

When performing the "waiting" exercise, you can also hold the collar with your hand to lift the dog's mouth away from the food bowl while giving the command.

When the dog has mastered the basics of "squatting down" and "waiting", it can say "yes" and let it eat.

Slowly, you can gradually extend the interval between the dog's waiting and the time it is allowed to eat. After a period of training, you can train the dog into a good habit of getting the owner's permission no matter what you do.

family life made easy

Extend one palm to the dog's eye level and call to it.If it runs over quickly and sniffs non-stop, or licks your hand, showing strong curiosity and desire to explore, it can basically be concluded that the puppy is mentally healthy.On the contrary, if it ignores you no matter how you greet it, or simply isolates itself from the group, then the dog is either withdrawn or sick.

(End of this chapter)

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