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Chapter 319 Keeping Dogs Is Better For Your Health Than Cats

Chapter 319 Keeping Dogs Is Better For Your Health Than Cats
Most people believe that pets can be good companions for humans, but researchers point out that there are actually more benefits to owning dogs than cats.Psychologists at Queen's University Belfast in the United Kingdom found that dog owners generally have lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

In addition to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, dog owners also had fewer diseases.Dr. Weiss' report argues that dogs help owners recover from serious illnesses such as heart attacks and can provide "advance warning" of epileptic seizures.

Stress is a leading cause of illness, and dogs may be able to relieve stress in people.In addition, owning a dog can also increase people's activity levels and promote interpersonal relationships, which can indirectly affect people's physical and mental health in good ways.Dr. McNicholas, a health psychologist who specializes in the impact of pets on human health, pointed out that dog owners not only have the opportunity to exercise when walking their dogs, but also provide opportunities for dog owners to socialize."Animals can provide more support than people in some situations," she said.

family life made easy

When you go for a walk, if you see that your dog wants to go home after going out, or sits down on the way and doesn’t want to go, you have to think that it may have a decline in motor function.At this time, please do not force your dog.

(End of this chapter)

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