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Chapter 33 Toilet deodorization is so simple

Chapter 33 Toilet deodorization is so simple

Some people love to be clean, but no matter how clean the toilet is at home, there will always be a bad smell, which makes many people troubled.How to deodorize the toilet at home?We have three tricks for you.

1.As long as 1 cup of balsamic vinegar is placed in the toilet, the bad smell will disappear.The validity period of balsamic vinegar is generally 6-7 days, that is to say, the balsamic vinegar should be replaced every other week or so.

2.Refreshing oil to deodorize.Open a box of cooling oil and place it in the lower corner of the bathroom, and the odor can be eliminated.A box of cooling oil can be used for 2 to 3 months.

3.Superphosphate deodorizes.Often sprinkle a little superphosphate in the bathroom, the smell can be removed.This method is also suitable for removing odors in chicken coops.

family life made easy

It is best not to put the wastebasket in the toilet.Because the wastebasket sometimes accumulates for a few days before falling, which will only pollute the environment of the toilet and create favorable conditions for the reproduction of viruses and bacteria.Experts who study microbes believe that putting waste paper baskets in the toilet will increase the chance of bacterial reproduction and bring hidden dangers to health.

(End of this chapter)

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