Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 335 Can the Child's Custody Relationship Be Changed?

Chapter 335 Can the Child's Custody Relationship Be Changed?

After the parenting relationship is determined, if there is a major change in the parenting conditions of the parents, or if the child requests to change the ownership of the parenting, the two parties can agree to change the parenting relationship. If the agreement fails, the people's court will make a judgment based on the interests of the child and the specific circumstances of both parties.Circumstances in which a change in parental relationship may be requested are as follows:
1.The caregiver suffers from a serious disease that cannot be cured, which may affect the health of the child.

2.The caregiver loses the ability to work, and the economic situation undergoes major changes, making him unable to support the child.

3.The foster person has been sentenced for a crime and can no longer bear the responsibility for raising and educating the child.

4.The moral quality of the parents is corrupted, which affects the healthy growth of the children.

5.The family situation of the foster person is not conducive to the healthy growth of the child, such as being discriminated against or abused by the stepfather (mother).

6.The child himself/herself has justified reasons to request a change in the custody relationship.

family life made easy

Parents who do not directly raise their children have the right to visit their children on a regular basis, including the right to contact and socialize with the children, the right to educate the children, and the right to live with the children for a short period of time. Any excuse to deprive the other party of their rights.

(End of this chapter)

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