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Chapter 337 When the marriage cannot be concluded, can the man request the return of property

Chapter 337 When the marriage cannot be concluded, can the man request the return of property
Marriage property disputes refer to disputes arising from the fact that during the acquaintance and love between a man and a woman, one party obtains a relatively large amount of property from the other party for some reason.According to Article No. 18 of the "Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of Civil Policies and Laws", if the property obtained through marriage relationship is divorced, if the marriage time is not long, or the other party's life is difficult due to the demand for property, the property may be obtained according to the circumstances. return.That is to say, the property claimed by the marriage relationship should be returned as appropriate when the marriage is dissolved.If both a man and a woman really voluntarily donate it out of their hearts, they generally cannot ask for it to be returned.In practice, there will be other forms of property disputes, which should be handled according to the specific circumstances of the case.But no matter what the situation is, if there is no legal basis to obtain improper benefits and cause losses to others, the improper benefits obtained should be returned to the person who suffered the loss.The laws of our country protect the legitimate rights and interests of those who suffer losses.

family life made easy

Bigamy is an illegal and criminal act. Therefore, in addition to bearing criminal responsibility, bigamy will also lead to the invalidation of bigamy in civil matters.The marriage of close relatives will be detrimental to the racial reproduction of offspring, so the law stipulates that marriages between relatives are invalid.

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