Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 342 Can a married daughter inherit the inheritance of her biological parents?

Chapter 342 Can a married daughter inherit the inheritance of her biological parents?

In our country, due to the poisoning of traditional feudal ideology, many areas, especially in rural areas, still have the feudal ideology that men are superior to women and patriarchal.Some women's rights are not guaranteed at all, including inheritance rights.Article [-] of my country's "Inheritance Law" stipulates: "Men and women have equal inheritance rights." That is to say, children have equal inheritance rights to their parents' inheritance.Regardless of whether they are sons or daughters, daughters, regardless of whether they are married or unmarried, have equal rights when inheriting from their parents.Equality of inheritance rights between men and women is an important feature of my country's socialist inheritance system and a basic principle of inheritance law.Therefore, no one shall deprive a married daughter of her right of inheritance without reason.However, in judicial practice, the method of inheritance and the distribution of inheritance must be treated differently according to the actual situation.

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Adopted children can only inherit the inheritance of their adoptive parents, but not their biological parents, unless the adoptive relationship is terminated and the relationship of rights and obligations with their biological parents is restored.However, if the adopted person has fulfilled his duty of support to his adoptive parents and at the same time has given more support to his biological parents, in addition to inheriting the inheritance of his adoptive parents, he can also share the appropriate inheritance of his biological parents.

(End of this chapter)

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