Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 53 Don't Wear Work Clothes at Home

Chapter 53 Don't Wear Work Clothes at Home
Wearing work clothes at home is harmful to the health of yourself and your family.

Wearing work clothes is a self-protection measure.For example, medical staff wear work clothes to prevent germ contamination; cooks wear work clothes to prevent oil pollution; Personnel wear work clothes to prevent themselves from being polluted.

The purpose of preventing pollution is to prevent harmful substances from invading the body, but the work clothes they wear often contain germs, harmful microorganisms, and dust.If you wear work clothes to go home, you will bring harmful microorganisms and dust home, and contaminate food, utensils and family members from the work clothes, which will damage the health of yourself and your family members.

family life made easy

After returning home from the outside, don’t sit on the bed with your clothes on, let alone sleep on the bed with your clothes on, so as not to pollute the bedding with dust on your body and clothes and affect your health.

(End of this chapter)

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