Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 59 Shoes and socks 1 must be changed frequently

Chapter 59 Shoes and Socks Must Be Changed and Washed Frequently
Once you wear thick shoes and socks in winter, you will obviously feel stuffy and hot feet, which is very uncomfortable.If it’s summer, you can still brush and take the shoes outside to dry. In winter, the temperature is low, and it’s not easy to dry the shoes after brushing, not to mention that the shoes are so thick, and so are the socks.So some people are too lazy to change their shoes and socks.What's more, I don't change a pair of shoes for a whole winter.In this way, the money for buying shoes seems to be saved, but health is often "wasted".

Changing and washing footwear frequently is one of the measures to prevent tinea pedis.Generally speaking, socks should be changed every day, especially for people with sweaty feet.Dirty shoes and socks may carry pathogenic filamentous fungi. After the feet are sweaty, the shoes and socks are wet, and the fungi are more likely to spread and reproduce.In order to prevent people with tinea pedis from infecting their family members with tinea pedis, it is best to wash the socks of the patient separately and dry them in the sun frequently.Even if there is not enough light in winter, try to dry the socks by air drying or drying them on the heater.

Many male friends only prepare one pair of shoes in winter, and wear them for a long time once they are on their feet. This practice needs to be changed.As long as conditions permit, more than two pairs of shoes should be prepared to be exchanged, so that the shoes have a chance to fully dry.In winter, people mainly wear warm leather shoes, which cannot be scrubbed, so it is necessary to change and wash the insoles as often as possible.In addition, you can also go to major shopping malls to buy special shoe odor disinfectants to kill bacteria in shoes.

family life made easy

We usually wear cotton socks to facilitate sweat absorption and breathability instead of nylon socks, especially in hot summer.In addition, when wearing leather shoes, do not wear nylon socks or no socks.

(End of this chapter)

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