Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 64 Laundry with water temperature of 40℃ is the best for decontamination

Chapter 64 Laundry with water temperature of 40℃ is the best for decontamination
The water temperature for washing clothes is not as high as possible.We commonly use various enzyme-containing detergents, and the enzyme preparations mainly include alkaline protease and alkaline lipase.Alkaline protease is used to break down protein stains, such as sweat stains, blood stains, etc.Alkaline lipase mainly acts on fatty acid and its ester pollution, which is what we usually call oil pollution.The activities of both enzymes are related to temperature, and the activity of these two enzymes is strongest at about 40 °C.Too high or too low temperature will reduce the activity of the enzyme.

Second, proteins have a denaturing effect.Its notable feature is that the protein coagulates, and the solubility is significantly reduced. An example is the coagulation of eggs after being boiled.One of the conditions that can cause denaturation is high temperature, as can proteinaceous soils on clothing.Therefore, if the water temperature is too high during washing, it will denature and solidify them on the fabric fibers, making it more difficult to wash.

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Soak dirty clothes in rice washing water for 10 minutes, then wash them with soap, and rinse them with clean water. The washed clothes will be clean, especially white clothes, which will look whiter.

(End of this chapter)

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