Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 66 Renovating Leather Shoes with Ink and Egg White

Chapter 66 Renovating Leather Shoes with Ink and Egg White
Black leather shoes will be worn and faded after wearing for a long time, and the white bottom will be exposed. To renovate, you only need to dip some egg white in ink and grind it into an inkstone, and use a brush to dip in egg white and black ink to repeatedly paint on the shoe surface.Apply a little more to the faded parts and places with small cracks. After painting, put it in a ventilated place to dry in the shade, and then apply shoe polish. The leather shoes will be black and shiny, and the color will be as new.

Ladies like to wear white leather shoes, but the toe and heel of the shoes often break the leather surface.If you apply correction fluid to the scratched or broken skin, smooth it and let it dry, it can basically restore it to its original shape.

In addition, you can also try to wipe the stains with an ordinary eraser, then wipe off the rubber crumbs with a dry cloth, and then apply colorless shoe polish. After the shoe polish is dry, wipe it again, and the white shoes will be as clean as new.

family life made easy

Leather shoes generally need to be oiled frequently. If you put a drop or two of vinegar into the shoe polish when you are shining your shoes, it will make the leather shoes shiny and durable. You need to rub more oil on the wrinkles, and less on the front tip and heel. For some, wipe it with a cloth several times, and then use a brush to brighten it.

(End of this chapter)

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