Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 82 Whole Milk Is Better For Your Health

Chapter 82 Whole Milk Is Better For Your Health

The fat content of whole milk is 30%, the fat content of semi-skimmed milk is about 5%, and the fat content of whole skimmed milk is less than 0.5%. There is a kind of "thick milk" abroad, and the fat content can be as high as 40%.Which milk is better?
1. The aroma in milk comes from fat

Experts pointed out that the reason why milk has a special aroma is due to the volatile components in fat.Without the fat, the flavor would be lacking and the milk would taste tasteless.

2. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are hidden in milk fat

Milk contains a variety of vitamins, among which fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are all hidden in the fat of milk.If the fat in milk is removed, these vitamins will also be lost, which is not good for the growth and development of children.

3. Drinking more whole milk is not easy to get cancer
Milk fat is rich in anti-cancer substance CLA, so people who drink more whole milk are not easy to get cancer. CLA can inhibit a variety of cancer cells, and can also prevent carcinogens from functioning in the body, and is particularly effective in preventing breast cancer.

Here is a suggestion: if you choose milk for the elderly, you might as well choose semi-skimmed milk; if you choose milk for children, you must choose whole milk.

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The latest research by Swedish scientists shows that compared with skimmed milk products, long-term consumption of full-fat dairy products not only does not make people gain weight, but helps to maintain body shape.Therefore, even in the period of weight loss, you should choose full-fat dairy products instead of skimmed dairy products.

(End of this chapter)

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