Family Life Knows Everything.

Chapter 86 Celery Leaves Are More Nutritious Than Stems

Chapter 86 Celery Leaves Are More Nutritious Than Stems

Celery is very nutritious, and its protein content is twice as high as that of ordinary fruits and vegetables, and its iron content is about 1 times that of tomatoes. Regular consumption of celery can prevent and treat many diseases.

Take tender celery juice and add a little honey, which can prevent and treat high blood pressure; diabetic patients take celery juice boiled and take it, which has the effect of lowering blood sugar; often eat fresh milk boiled celery, which can neutralize uric acid and acidic substances in the body, and is effective in treating gout Better effect; if 150 grams of root celery and 250 grams of glutinous rice are cooked into gruel, and eaten every morning and evening, it will be beneficial to the treatment of coronary heart disease, neurasthenia, insomnia and dizziness.

When many families eat celery, they only eat the stems and not the leaves. This is extremely unscientific, because the nutrients contained in celery leaves are much higher than those in celery stems. Nutritionists have conducted 13 nutrient components on celery stems and leaves. In the test, it was found that 10 indicators in celery leaves exceeded celery stems.Among them, the content of carotene is 6 times that of the stem, the content of vitamin C is 13 times that of the stem, the content of vitamin B1 is 17 times that of the stem, the content of protein is 11 times that of the stem, and the content of calcium is 2 times that of the stem.

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It is best to scald the celery leaves in boiling water, and mix them with dried tofu after removing them. This can not only ensure the nutrition of the celery leaves, but also eat delicious dishes.

(End of this chapter)

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