Chapter 981
He was gasping for breath, and still furiously pointed at several people's noses and yelled, "Why did this happen suddenly? All the 20 garrisons on the former site of Xijiang defected, and the Duke of Qi's mansion was completely destroyed. Haven’t heard the news yet? Now you suddenly tell me that there is a remnant of the Helian family? And let me lose four cities in a few days? Isn’t this a blatant slap in the face? You tell me to calm down ? How can I appease my anger?"

The military power of 20 was lost, the entire territory of Western Xinjiang was completely lost, and then four cities were lost in a row. One by one, each one was a big deal.

In the emperor's throat, there was a heavy wheezing sound, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

Yin Shao and the others didn't want to take the initiative to get into trouble, so they all lowered their heads and remained silent.

The emperor wanted to vent, but no one answered, so he couldn't vent his anger.

He gritted his teeth and glanced at his sons, then sat down on the chair, raised his hand and pointed at Yin Shao, "You are the prince, tell me, what is going on with the war in Western Xinjiang?"

Yin Shao had just received the news, and he was as shocked as the emperor, and he was caught off guard.

With no trace to follow, what could he explain?
"Father, the battle report and news are still preliminary. You should calm down first, or - wait until tomorrow morning, discuss with the courtiers before making a decision." Yin Shao sincerely suggested.

"The remnants of Xijiang are coming fiercely, how can you tell me to wait?" the emperor said.

Gao Jinli handed him some tea, and he took a sip. After all, he was so angry that he slammed the tea bowl out again.

The faces of Yin Shao and the others were ashen, they just gritted their teeth and refused to hit his gun.

The emperor himself was also in a mess, and seeing the expressions of these people as if they were afraid of causing trouble, he immediately became even more angry.

"It's all useless! Get out! Get out of here!" He scolded angrily.

"Father, calm down!" Several people pleaded sincerely.

The emperor lost his temper again, and the few people naturally wouldn't stay here to be scolded by him, so they retreated smoothly.

Coming out of the emperor's bedroom, the hearts of several people were not relaxed.

Yin Shu and the two foreigners were not on the same road, so they just took a step ahead, and Yin Huai couldn't wait to say to Yin Shao: "Brother Prince, why did the western border suddenly start a war? This matter is too strange and too evil. , it's no wonder that the father is furious, this is going to cause a big mess."

Yin Shao's face was gloomy, and he pursed the corners of his lips vigorously.

He didn't make a sound for a moment, and after a while, he sneered and said: "Anyway, there is still my father up there, even if the sky falls, my father will stand up for it, this state affairs - it's not your turn to worry about it for the time being, go back first sleep!"

"But—" how can Yin Huai really go back to sleep, "That group of people is coming aggressively, looking at this posture, they will definitely go to war, and all the garrisons in Xijiang have been lost. How can the court care about it all at once? on? I'm afraid—"

"It's too early to say these things now, let's go back first!" Yin Shao said, obviously not in the mood to talk to him.

As he said that, he looked around and told Yin Huai again: "Don't talk nonsense recently, Father is in a bad mood."

"Your brother understands!" Yin Huai nodded in agreement, but he still couldn't hide his preoccupation, sighed and left with his entourage.

After leaving the palace, Yin Shao went straight back to the Prince's Mansion, entered the study, turned around and sat down on the chair, then looked directly at Pang Sheng who followed him and said, "What do you think about this matter?"

Pang Sheng had been thinking about something with his head down all the way, and he raised his head as if he had just woken up after hearing the words.

He frowned and looked at Yin Shao. He obviously had some opinions in his heart, but he hesitated and didn't speak.

"If you have something to say, it doesn't matter. There are only you and me here, no outsiders." Yin Shao said.

"Your Highness—" Pang Sheng took a deep breath, looked at him solemnly and said, "Don't you think these things are too coincidental?"

Yin Shao raised his eyebrows, didn't speak, but motioned him to continue.

Pang Sheng said: "The subordinates refer to Xijiang and Nantang."

It wasn't just a coincidence that the emperor thought they were put together, the most coincidental thing was these two things.

"Your Highness, don't you think this matter is very strange?" Pang Sheng said, analyzing seriously: "Even if there are really remnants of Xijiang in this world, they can make such a big move, and they can kill with one blow. The successive victories of the strategy at least show that their plan for the uprising has been planned for a long time, and it has been carefully and thoughtfully prepared. But it is not good for them to choose the right time. This moment of the Fang forces? Your Highness, don’t you think that the two of them are like—"

Pang Sheng's words stopped abruptly in the middle.

He stared at Yin Shao with a deeply worried look.

The corners of Yin Shao's lips curled into a playful smile, "They seem to have discussed it in advance!"

Pang Sheng lowered his eyes as a tacit consent.

"It's really interesting!" Yin Shao tapped his fingers on the table slowly, and then smiled meaningfully, "Helian's in Xijiang... Helian's..."

In his heart, there was actually a bold speculation, but he didn't mention it because there was no basis for it, but in his subconscious mind, he had an extremely vivid belief——

That is the closest to the truth.

The two people in the room didn't speak, and it was very quiet for a while, only the crackling of candles could be heard.

After a long time, Yin Shao just closed his eyes and sighed, "The imperial court issued a notice to arrest Duanmu Qi, and there has been no response until now, right?"

"No!" Pang Sheng shook his head, with a bitter smile on his face, "It's been nearly ten months, and there is no news at all. I'm afraid that by this time, all local yamen have long forgotten that there is such an errand."

He knew that Yin Shao wanted to go with him.

"Heh—" Yin Shao listened to his words, and then a hoarse flute sounded from the depths of his throat.

He leaned back on the wide back of the grand master's chair behind him, and stopped talking.

Pang Sheng stood in front of him with his head bowed, and waited for a long time until the five-watch drum rang outside. As a last resort, he said again: "Your Highness, this matter—what are your plans?"

"Plan?" Yin Shao sneered, his eyes were also cold, he waved his hands and said, "Don't worry about it, isn't the father still there for everything? I don't have to worry about it."

Was it Duanmuqi and Song Chuxi who made a scene together?Those two people worked together to devise this conspiracy?
(End of this chapter)

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