Wushuang Wudi of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 28 Complete Victory

Chapter 28 Complete Victory

"Okay! The whole army obeys the order! Our army's plan has been completed. Although there are many people in Xiliang, they are already surrounded by us at this moment! Everyone, use your skills! Hold the front line and press over! The time for the decisive battle has come! Victory belongs to us !" Lu Bu shouted loudly, waving the Fang Tian painted halberd which he had ignited again, encouraging and motivating everyone.

In the night, the red BMW horse, the golden armor is majestic, the red battle robe moves with the wind, and the flames and halberds are burning. Coupled with Lu Bu's tall and majestic body and super martial arts, he stands in the vanguard of thousands of soldiers and horses. , It's like a god will come down to earth!
oh!must win!

The men and horses of Lu Bu's army cheered loudly and became elated.

"Ring nine golden gongs! Send out the signal for an all-out attack!" Lu Bu ordered.Clang, clang!Clang, clang!Clang, clang!Nine gongs sounded and spread far away.

After a while, nine gongs also sounded from other four places, indicating that they had received the signal.

"Okay! Release those 2000 Xiliang captives! Drive them and let them flee to the camp in the middle of the enemy army! Dare to lag behind! Kill! Kill without mercy!" Lu Bu's red rabbit horse galloped to those In front of the captive, shouted loudly.

"Run, Flickin! Run, brother! If you run slowly, you will die!" Lu Bu thought.

When the Xiliang prisoners heard this, they panicked immediately. They whispered and whispered to each other, and there was a burst of commotion.

"Run! Kill!" The elites of Lv Bu's army resolutely carried out Lv Bu's military order, swinging their knives and slashing fiercely. "Wow! Help! Run!" The captives shouted loudly, screaming, only wishing that their parents didn't have more legs!They fled in a swarm and headed for their camp.

Lü Bu led the troops, and drove slowly behind, occasionally chasing and killing them for a while.

Formed into a flat phalanx, nearly two thousand soldiers marched slowly with firm and dull steps, moving forward in a battle line.Lv Bu was on the sidelines, leading nearly a thousand of the most elite Bingzhou iron cavalry, and went away in a conical formation.

Bingzhou cavalry headed towards the east long ago and contacted Lu Fang's men and horses. The two teams tried their best to reach an agreement and formed a long horizontal line like a dam. battle line.

"Kill!" Lu Fang had just defeated thousands of enemies. Naturally, he didn't have many prisoners, but he saved a procedure, because those Xiliang defeated soldiers naturally fled frantically towards the camp.They were in a mess, like a swarm of frightened bees, throwing away their weapons, screaming loudly, and fled in disorder.

To the south, Zhang Liao and Xu Huang also drove the defeated or captured Xiliang soldiers towards Li Jue.These two are rare fierce generals and famous generals. Commanding thousands of people to fight is a field they are very good at, and they have successfully achieved the goal given by Lu Bu.

Thousands of Xiliang defeated soldiers were pressed to the center of the pocket formation. They, together with the reinforcements who were still on the tactical march, as well as Li Jue's central army and Fan Chou's troops who were still resisting, all fell into the area carefully constructed by Lu Bu. inside the encircling circle.

Besieged on all sides, ambush on all sides!
Just like the various wild animals migrating in the wilderness, although they have a sense of wildness, the soldiers of Xiliang used this power on their own side. They set off bursts of dust, countless fires, countless wailing, or Trampling, or internal strife, in order to survive, they ran, they killed each other, and they ran all the way, bringing more panic and chaos.

The first to bear the brunt was the [-] reinforcements brought by Cheng Yi. The sudden impact they suffered, they intersected and collided with each other.In the chaos, in the dark night, Cheng Yi quickly separated from the people.

What followed was the 5000 people led by Li Jue. They were quickly thrown into chaos by more than [-] people fleeing from all directions. The flood wave formed by the fleeing people could not be stopped at all.

At this time, the Xiliang soldiers only knew that they had been defeated, and the majestic Lu Bu was leading someone to kill him!They didn't care about organizing resistance, they screamed and joined the escape sequence.In the firelight, under the moonlight, there is a dense crowd. The generals and captains can't find their soldiers, and the soldiers can't find their superiors.

Like turbulent waves, scattered and stirred, in some areas, Xiliang's soldiers are dense and crowded, and in other areas, Xiliang's soldiers are sparse.They were in a mess, and they were attacked by the various units of Lu Bu's army in full formation. They had no resistance and just ran for their lives.

Chang'an City is about six kilometers long and six kilometers wide, with a total area of ​​36 square kilometers.

In other words, the west wall is about 12 miles long.

There are more than 20 people in Chang'an City.

Therefore, it is very clear how big the army formation of 86000 Xiliang people is.

Originally, they were distributed in an area about ten miles long and ten miles wide, and they were organized in five camps in an orderly manner.However, Lv Bu made a surprise attack at night and used his strategy of being besieged on all sides. Instead of launching a decisive battle, after occupying several camps on both sides of the Xiliang army, he surrounded the current nearly [-] Xiliang people in a small area five miles by five miles. in the area.

They are confused, they panic, in this dark night, they are doomed.

Li Jue led the army. Originally, he had the chance to win, and he was still complacently waiting for the result he hoped to hear, but he faced a desperate defeat.

He raised his eyes and saw defeated soldiers who were terrified and dazed everywhere, running around indiscriminately. Li Jue suddenly couldn't breathe, and despair filled his heart.

A thousand of his trusted cavalrymen hurriedly protected him and fled westward, but Li Jue seemed to be crazy, "Ah!" He, who became angry and frightened, drew his knife and slashed at the soldiers around him. Cut down several soldiers one after another.

"What are you running for? Go ahead! We have so many people, how could we be defeated!" Li Jue yelled frantically, but no one paid any attention to him. The soldiers simply abandoned him, protected Jia Xu, and headed west.Li Jue was left alone, trapped in the unstoppable crowd, he was scattered, and he didn't know which corner he went to.Li Jue wanted to slash and kill, but was counterattacked by a defeated soldier, who swung a knife and attacked fiercely. Li Jue was not injured, but fell to the ground, and immediately submerged under the feet of thousands of troops.

A generation of Xiliang generals died in such a humiliating manner. He never expected such a result.

On the front line in front of the simple earthen wall, the winner is about to be decided.

"Huh!" On the towers and walls of Chang'an City, the six strong generals received the signal, and the tens of thousands of soldiers who could still fight cheered and cheered.Then, under the leadership of six strong generals, they also followed Gaoshun's 6000 men and launched a final charge against Fan Chou's troops.

(End of this chapter)

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