A Godzilla's Time Travel

Chapter 242 Godzilla Republic Established

Chapter 242 Godzilla Republic Established

(Note: Some content in this chapter is referenced from a primary school text)
Konoha December 49, 12, today is a very important day.

The weather was fine, the sun was shining brightly, and there was no cloud in the sky. On the expanded capital square of the Kawa no Kuni, colorful flags were fluttering, flowers were clustered, a guard stood on all sides of the square, and in the center of the square stood a huge statue of a green-skinned monster.

After a year, the war has subsided and the situation in various regions has been stabilized. With the magic tools such as "Unlimited Monthly Reading", the work of land reform and emancipating the mind has been carried out extremely smoothly, and no ghosts and snakes have jumped out to cause reaction.

Today, the "convex" shaped square has gathered all kinds of teams from all over the world. People have been arriving at the square since the morning before dawn. At this moment, it has become a sea of ​​people and monsters. The flags of various colors are waving, as if they are flying in the sea. wave.

Looking around, there are teams led by Maitreya, the Ghost Country, from the original Five Great Nations. No, it should be called the Ziyuan City Team, the Loulan Town Team, and various human teams. Only inhuman teams.

They have a representative team of the psychic apes, a representative team of nightmare tapirs, a representative team of Longdi Cave, and a representative team of Wet Bone Forest...

But why are there so many living beings gathered here?
At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, there was a burst of cheers and applause at the venue, and a palace-style tower was partially built on the "convex"-shaped square. A girl in purple, accompanied by all the "people", appeared in the hall. On the city tower, hundreds of thousands of creatures looked at the center of the city tower.

The purple-clothed girl smiled and waved to the creatures in the square, and the applause and cheers were louder, three times higher.

As Bai Lishan, Minister of Culture of the Godzilla Coalition Government announced the start of the ceremony, the square fell silent for an instant, without any further noise.

At this time, a piece of music sounded from the sky. The melodious and high-pitched music came from the sky, across the grassland, across the mountains, across the sea, and echoed across the entire land.

This is the national anthem of the Republic of Godzilla, written by Cheng Fan himself, and ordered to be "March of the Immortal Cultivators".

"Cultivation of Immortals" is to go against the sky, surpassing the sky, and has to face many disasters and difficulties, but no matter how many difficulties and obstacles lie ahead, one must not admit defeat and never give up.It represents the "immortal cultivator" spirit of never giving up, bravely overcoming difficulties, and fighting for fate.

Listen, all beings seem to hear the howling of wind and thunder in the ears of all living beings, rolling thunder and anger descending from the sky, a person, a monkey, a worm... or a snake, is bearing the thunder.

"Crossing the catastrophe", this word emerges in the hearts of all living beings, but isn't life like this?Constantly facing difficulties and surpassing ourselves, isn't it just "crossing the catastrophe" again and again?
During the catastrophe and thunder, the creatures who crossed the catastrophe were chopped black and fell to the ground again and again, but they were tenacious, unyielding, stood up again and again, and faced the catastrophe boldly.

In the end, people turned into immortals, insects turned into butterflies, and snakes turned into dragons!
Many souls realized the true meaning of "March of the Immortal Cultivators" at this moment, and they couldn't help being moved to tears.

At the end of the song, the audience burst into applause again. On the city tower, the girl in purple stood in front of the stage with a solemn and sacred expression. The audience was silent again, and all eyes were on her.

The girl was generous and said, "Good afternoon, comrades.

Since a long time ago, this world has been an unpeaceful world, and the flames of war have taken away many lives. I believe that everyone is looking forward to peace, hoping that there will be no more wars on this planet, and that all races will be fair and peaceful. live under the same blue sky.

This is your expectation, and it is also our expectation.

Today, under the leadership of the great mentor Godzilla Avatar, we have finally realized our wish and ushered in freedom, peace and independence. No matter how many difficulties there are in the future, we will go forward hand in hand. Now I declare:”

All the creatures in the square focused their attention, staring at the girl closely, waiting for that sentence!
"The Godzilla Cosmic Republic, the Godzilla Coalition Government, was established today!"

Following the girl's sonorous and forceful announcement, hundreds of thousands of creatures cheered in unison. This sound resonated through natural energy and resounded through the entire planet. This symbolized a declining planet, a planet that was once After destroying civilization, a planet that has been enslaved by humans will stand up from now on, and it will surely stand tall in the forest of all races in the universe!

A phantom of a water-blue planet rises above the square. The continent and the sea are clearly visible, representing the unity of the entire planet.

The salute was fired, cheers burst out, and the following review brought the whole ceremony to an unprecedented climax!
Not just a military parade, but a review of each representative phalanx.

First of all, the phalanx of the government work department takes the lead, and through the selected representatives, accept the people's review on behalf of the various government departments.

Secondly, the troops of the Republic of Godzilla. Twelve legions of "immortal cultivators" flew over the sky. "...Wait, wait, anyway, they are much more flexible than fighter jets. If you want to pose, don't be too simple.

Immediately behind the twelve "immortal cultivators" legion is the subsidiary clone ninja legion.This was deliberately separated for the founding ceremony, and usually a group of twelve "immortal cultivators" were mixed and matched to fight.

After the legion troops, there was a phalanx of representatives from all parties, led by Longdi Cave and snakes, followed by the representative phalanx of Ziyuan City, the municipality directly under the central government, followed by the representative phalanx of Fengsha Province headed by Luo Sha, followed by representatives of Loulan Town ...

After the review, it is already night, and this scene will be broadcast to all major cities and towns through the natural energy resonance system.Although it is night, the whole square is still immersed in the sea of ​​joy. Beautiful fireworks are blooming in the night sky. People and snakes dance together, snakes and monkeys dance together. Those who have bold ideas tonight have a chance to implement them.

In the distance of the square, two figures stood there, silently watching the opening ceremony of the Godzilla Republic. One of the long-haired men said: "Brother, your approach is wrong. Only they can achieve real peace!"

Another yellow-brown short-haired man quietly looked at the cheering creatures on the square. After a long time, he sighed helplessly, "The only way to achieve peace is to unify and implement a standardized and reasonable system. Recently, I was in the library. After reading a lot of books, understanding a lot, and thinking a lot, I finally realized that what I did before was indeed too naive and too idealistic."

"Brother, do you want to go to see mother together? I heard from Xiao Hei that mother has always been good for us."

Taking the opportunity, the long-haired man said to the short-haired man. The short-haired man fell silent for a moment, but he was not thinking about this. The words of the girl in purple in the afternoon echoed in his mind, "Godzilla Cosmic Republic, Godzilla Coalition Government , established today!"

For a long time!

 Merry Christmas everyone!By the way, please order a monthly pass!Thank you guys!I have a cold, and it's quite uncomfortable... Everyone, take care of yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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