Chapter 169 The first game of the playoffs!
Who wins and who loses cannot just look at paper strength.

For example, the actual combat ability of the players and the performance on the field, these are the most important factors that determine the outcome of a duel.

Therefore, in this one-on-one match between Liang Xiaotong and Mo Bai, it is difficult to guess who will win.

It can even be said that no matter who wins or loses, it cannot be regarded as too unexpected.

A good or bad performance on the spot may widen the gap on paper, or make up for it, or even overtake it.

After all, the game of Glory is still a people-oriented competitive online game.

The strength of a character ultimately depends on the control ability of its manipulator.

No matter how skilled a player is, there will always be times when his performance is sluggish.

Except for Duan Tianya, who has been ranked No.1 in the honor list all year round, who would dare to say that I am invincible and really lonely?

"Miss Liang, I'm about to start!"

The game started, the two sides entered the arena, looking at Liang Xiaotong opposite, Mo Bai quickly typed a line in the game chat window.

I don't know when, the players in the arena have fallen in love with typing and chatting in the arena, exposing the content of the conversation between the two sides to the eyes of all the audience.

Coincidentally, the director in charge of the broadcast also broadcast the game footage to the information box next to the arena, aiming at the line of text sent by Mo Bai.

Everyone knows that in the Glory match, the opposing sides can communicate by voice, but at some point, there has been an upsurge in using text to transmit information.

Whether it's a team match or an individual match, there is only one public chat channel in the arena.

Moreover, the text exchange information will be broadcast directly to audiences across the country without any blocking words.

If you talk in the arena and broadcast it, you won't be able to hear what the players are talking about.Whether you are swearing or talking trash, only the person involved knows.

But chatting and typing are different. When the information is sent, everyone can see it.

So, unknowingly, this kind of craze has become popular. During the game, they directly challenge their opponents in the chat window in front of all the audience.

Even later, in a game, watching the verbal provocations between the players turned out to be a highlight of watching the game.

There are even some viewers who like to watch the players spam on the chat channel, more interested than watching the players fight.

Not to mention, anyone who plays games can spout trash talk. Among the professional players, there are even some competitive masters who are good at using trash talk as a tactical weapon to disturb the opponent's emotions.

If it's just voice spam, you can hold back and ignore it. Anyway, no one can hear it except the person involved.

But once the trash talk is put on the computer screen, the taste immediately becomes different.

Because after the opponent's trash talk is sent out, not only the people in the arena can see it, but also the audience watching the game, and even the audience in front of the TV watching the live broadcast can also see it.

If your opponent spouts trash talk to you, which is ugly and you ignore it, then you will become a weak or even cowardly party in the eyes of all audiences.

If you don't retaliate, you will be laughed at.

So, gradually, using words to "communicate" in the arena turned out to be a very interesting and very different kind of "battle" in the Glory League.

Of course, whether or not to use text trash talk to affect the other party's emotions depends entirely on the individual wishes of the players.

If you are not good at spamming, and you still try to spam the other party, you may get back spammed, which will eventually affect your emotions.

Mobai is a professional player who is good at talking trash. His opening remarks at this time seem simple, but in fact there is a hint of teasing in it.

Therefore, the fans who support and like the Sanmu team immediately yelled at the TV screen (Liang Xiaotong) and bombarded him after seeing Mobai's opening remarks.

However, Mobai found the wrong partner.

Although Liang Xiaotong in the arena couldn't hear the cries of the crowd at all, and she didn't pick up the cannon to blast, she made a smiling face, followed by a line of words: "Okay, let me see you Monkey show!"

Seeing Liang Xiaotong's reply, all the audience, whether in front of the TV or at the scene, immediately laughed.

Even Duan Fei and Ye Xiu laughed.

Who is Liang Xiaotong? No one knows better than them.

Spicy, hot-tempered, brutal, unreasonable...Anyway, he is an unreasonable master who doesn't suffer any disadvantages. To tease her is to live too much and want to find trouble.

Seeing Liang Xiaotong's reply, Mo Bai's eyes couldn't help twitching.

Liang Xiaotong is a woman, she doesn't care about face, she can scold you if she scolds you, but you are a man, can you still swear back with swear words?

If the other party is a man, he can scold him, but the other party is a woman. If he scolds back, the audience can drown him in saliva.

Mobai could only snort coldly, and then typed a line: "Huh! The performance will start soon, so you have to watch it!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately drew out his long sword and launched an attack.

Mobai's profession is a swordsman, and Liang Xiaotong is a gunner, two typical combat professions: one far and one near.

As long as Mobai rushed to Liang Xiaotong, as a gunner, Liang Xiaotong would almost die.

However, Liang Xiaotong was no fool. As soon as Mobai took a step, he saw three shells flying towards him in front, left, and right directions.

Three-point positioning, this is a relatively clever operation method of the gunner. By quickly flicking the mouse, the three shells of the anti-tank shells are respectively locked in three directions of the opponent, making it impossible to avoid.

However, Mobai was very familiar with the map, so he avoided the shelling directly with the help of cover.

You must know that the two sides played a total of two games in the playoffs, one game at home and one game away.

Currently it is the home field of Team Void, and Team Void has the right to choose the map.

This competitive map is the one chosen by Mobai, so how could he not be familiar with it?
Relying on his familiarity with the map, Mo Bai went all the way around the cover to hide his figure, and approached Liang Xiaotong quietly.

The map Mobai chose was a small snow-covered village and town, coupled with his white armor, even the fake silver weapon in his hand was a silver-white long sword.

The whole person stood in the snow, just like his name, almost fused with the snow.

Therefore, Mobai's intention in choosing this picture is too obvious.

However, he didn't know that Duan Fei and others were too familiar with the map of Baixue Town.

Maybe it's because there are still relatively few Glory maps, there are only a hundred or so to go back and forth, so Duan Fei and the others have had special training on almost every map.

So, when Mo Bai slowly approached, Liang Xiaotong also started her layout.

 Meow meow, speed up the process, speed up
(End of this chapter)

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