The strongest casual player in the whole server

Chapter 17 The Strength of a Master!

Chapter 17 The Strength of a Master!
"Masters don't come from shouting slogans, they are masters only if they have real skills."

Liang Caidong couldn't help curling his lips at the words of a kitchen knife.

The title of "master" mostly refers to a kind of respectful title for people with "first-class technology" by others.

When others call you a "master", that is a recognition of your skills.

Therefore, the title of "master" is awarded by others, not by oneself.

Moreover, real masters are very low-key, and never say "I am a master" when they meet people.

Like a kitchen knife, it is very rare to boast that you are a master.

Usually, such a person would be a rookie instead.

A kitchen knife raised his eyebrows and said: "What? Don't you believe in my strength? Okay, you follow me later, and I will show you how to do a copy by myself."


Liang Caidong smiled.

"Xiao Fei, let's open the book! I want to see what kind of strength the so-called master is."

Liang Caidong gave Duan Fei a meaningful look, and bit the word "master" very hard.

He has been running an Internet cafe for so many years, and he has met many people who are good at playing games.

But among the people he has met, the best player in the game is Duan Fei, who once dominated the top ranking for three consecutive years in the dungeon game.

This person actually claimed to be a master in front of Duan Fei, he wanted to see what kind of reaction Duan Fei would have.

Liang Caidong looked at Duan Fei, thinking that Duan Fei would laugh at a kitchen knife, but Duan Fei nodded calmly: "Yes, start brushing."

Liang Caidong was suddenly dumbfounded.

Look, this bearing, this is what a master should look like!

After the three of them entered the dungeon, in order to prove their strength as a master, a kitchen knife sprinted towards the group of monsters in front of them without saying hello.

"A Kitchen Knife" wears a glove in each hand, obviously a fighting player.

Fighting players are good at melee combat.

In the first room of Green Forest Dungeon, there are three cat demons and three throwing goblins.

After rushing up with a kitchen knife, he kicked the cat demon in the front into the air with a high kick.

This high kick is the boxer's first-level skill "high flying kick", which has a strong floating effect.

Kicking the first cat demon into the air, the kitchen knife did not stop, but continued to rush forward two steps, and then kicked forward quickly, kicking the two cat demons behind.

Front kick is the fifth-level skill of Boxing Mage, which has the effect of knocking back. The advantage of this skill is that it is quick to launch and close, and the movement is handsome and fast, and it ignores skill interruptions.The disadvantage is that the attack is low and the knockback effect is also weak.

After the two cat demons were kicked away, they bumped into the goblin who was about to throw stones behind them, knocking them to the ground.

But at this moment, a kitchen knife suddenly turned around, and the cat demon that was kicked into the air by him fell right in front of him.

Clasping his hands, a kitchen knife grabbed the falling cat demon, then he fell back suddenly, smashing the cat demon in his arms to the ground.


The ground shook slightly, and the two cat demons and three throwing goblins who had just stood up behind them fell to the ground again.

This is the fifth-level skill of judo, back throw.

Raises the target over the head, then slams behind him.After the target touches the ground, a small-scale earthquake wave will be generated, knocking back enemies within the range and causing area damage to them.

This operation of a kitchen knife made Liang Caidong dumbfounded: "I'll go! You are really a master!"

Liang Caidong, who originally wanted to ridicule him, had to admit that this self-proclaimed "expert" guy really had a few tricks.

To be able to use a set of skills to this extent, at least in terms of his skills, he couldn't do it.

"He is indeed a master, and he still has great potential."

Duan Fei smiled when he heard the words, affirming the skill of a kitchen knife.

Just now, a kitchen knife shared the three fighting skills of high kick, forward kick, and back throw.

These are three very simple skills, and they are used alone, and there is nothing special about them.

But when he used these three skills together, the effect was obvious.A small back drop skill actually played a group attack effect.

Being able to achieve this level at least shows that a kitchen knife is very aware of the functions of these three skills and uses them well, instead of just messing around with skills like those game rookies.

A kitchen knife is using these skills in a planned way, otherwise he would not be able to turn around and grab the floating cat monster after finishing the front kick, and then throw it to the monster behind him in the group.

That back throw played the finishing touch in his whole set of attacks.

It's like when playing chess, there are horses and cannons, but no matter how you operate, it's all for the final general.

Knowing how to use the effect of skills to achieve the rhythm of controlling the target is beyond the level of ordinary players.

There is nothing wrong with calling a player of this level a master.

The reason why Duan Fei laughed was because when a kitchen knife used these skills, although its hand speed was fast, its movements were blunt and the skills were not used coherently.

This phenomenon shows that he is still very unfamiliar with the use of these skills.

When using these skills, there will be a small pause.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the pause of only a few tenths of a second may not be felt, but at Duan Fei's level, that bit of rigidity is very obvious.

It's like a beginner basketball player practicing the crotch dribble. In the eyes of those who are worse than him and himself, being able to do the crotch dribble is already great, but for experts In his eyes, that movement of his was as ugly as it could be.

This is the gap in the realm.

With a kitchen knife, he has combat awareness and reaction speed, but he has no combat experience.

In other words, he has the realm of a master, but not the strength of a master.

However, combat experience can be accumulated and skills can be used proficiently, but consciousness is difficult to cultivate.

It can even be said that the level of consciousness determines the upper limit of talent.

Although the movement of a kitchen knife is as stiff as a rookie, his consciousness has reached the level of a "master".

In other words, a kitchen knife is a rookie with great potential.

"Is it very potential?"

Liang Caidong's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and the eyes that looked at a kitchen knife also became hot.

"If you train well, can you reach professional standards?" Liang Caidong asked.

"This, it's hard to say."

Duan Fei smiled wryly and shook his head, high talent is one thing, but being able to fulfill it is another.

Whether it is the e-sports industry or other competitive industries, a person with good talent does not mean that his achievements will definitely be high.

It can only be said that people with high talents have a higher starting point.But hard work is more important than talent.

There is a saying that is good, don't be afraid of other people's talents, but be afraid that those who are more talented than you will work harder than you!
But Duan Fei quickly heard the meaning behind Liang Caidong's words.

"Why do you ask this? Do you want to..." Duan Fei looked at Liang Caidong in surprise.

Liang Caidong smiled and was about to speak when he heard a kitchen knife shouting from the earphone.

"Hey! That nanny! Why are you still standing there? Give me more blood!"

  It has been more than an hour since our Glory server opened!
  Mr. Pineapple is also planning to start arranging the appearance of the star characters in our full-time masters!
  So, who is the most qualified to be the first to appear on the stage as a shining star in our ten years of full-time glory?

  Authoritative recommendations and suggestions are welcome!

  Of course, Mr. Pineapple already has an irreplaceable candidate in his heart, and the one you recommend can only be ranked second, third, and fourth... go, haha!


(End of this chapter)

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