The strongest casual player in the whole server

Chapter 299 Battle of the Vampire Knights !

Chapter 299 The Battle of Vampire Knights (Add two more chapters for the cute master [Kirito])!

Seeing the message from Liu Hao, Ye Xiu replied, "Sorry, you're late, I already have a team."

Liu Hao quickly said: "It doesn't matter if you have a team, just add me!"

Ye Xiu was speechless: "Everyone said you came late and the crowd was already full. If you had come two minutes earlier, there would have been a seat."

Come on! !

Liu Hao wanted to smash the computer right now!

Because last night last night, he went to the team for training during the day, so he didn't go home until six o'clock in the afternoon.

He fell asleep in a hurry for four or five hours. He was waiting in front of the computer to ask Ye Qiu to refresh the copy at twelve o'clock, but he fell asleep while waiting.

It was past twelve o'clock when I woke up.

Another missed opportunity!

pissed him off!

Ye Xiu didn't care what happened to Liu Hao, they still planned to refresh the dungeon records, so they began to discuss tactical arrangements.

Ye Xiu, Duan Fei, and Su Mucheng discussed together, Tian Qi and Yue Zhongmian followed suit, took a taxi with a flower puppet, and the five of them entered the dungeon.

"I rely on!"

As soon as he entered the copy, Tian Qi yelled.

Because he saw the system prompt: The vampire knight Gro has signs of resurrection, please be careful.

This system prompts that the hidden boss is haunted!

Out of the hidden boss, it is naturally a very happy thing.

However, they plan to clear the dungeon records, and hiding the boss will become a record destroyer.

If there is a hidden boss, the records cannot be refreshed naturally.

"Hey! Hidden boss, good luck today!"

Duan Fei laughed when he saw the hidden boss.

He prefers to hide bosses than dungeon records.

Not only will it drop materials, but you can also drop purple equipment. The equipment is valuable!
Ye Xiu was also full of joy.

Because Vampire Knight is the dungeon of Burial Ground, the hidden boss with the lowest chance of appearing.

To meet him, as Duan Fei said, good luck!

"This time we can't beat the record, so it's just a practice session, just to get used to the tactics we just formulated." Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"Let's go! The fat boss is waiting for us!"

Duan Fei gave a soft drink, and took the lead to run towards the depths of the dungeon.

Compared with the Frost Forest, the Dungeon of the Bones is a bit more difficult dungeon.

But for Duan Fei and the others, the difficulty is also very limited.

Except for Tian Qi and Yue Zhongmian, it was a bit difficult to deal with, but Duan Fei, Ye Xiu, and Su Mucheng could help them lure monsters, they only needed to use their skills.

Roll all the way, easily.

After a while, I reached the sixth room.

At this moment, Tian Qi with sharp eyes yelled.


Duan Fei and others heard the sound and looked around, only to see a not-so-tall knight wearing a pitch-black armor standing majestically at the intersection ahead.

His face was paler than white paper, but his eyes were blood red, and his appearance looked extremely strange.

He held a scarlet rapier in his right hand, the sword was stained with blood, and held a blood-red shield in his left hand, standing there quietly, as if he wanted to guard the gate and kill all the enemies who broke in.

Duan Fei and the others quickly cleaned up the mobs, and then rushed to the deepest hidden boss in the Bone Forest—Vampire Knight Gro.

The vampire knight is definitely an extremely terrifying boss, and a team composed of ordinary people cannot kill him.

However, as long as you don't enter the range of hatred, you won't attack the player, so ordinary players can choose to bypass him and continue to brush the instance.

This is basically the case for ordinary player teams to brush dungeons. If you can't beat the hidden boss, you can bypass it if you can. If you don't kill the hidden boss, you can still clear the dungeon.

However, this kind of boss is just a little bit interesting to Duan Fei and the others.

Coming to the edge of the vampire knight Gro's hatred range, the five stopped.

Duan Fei briefly introduced the characteristics of vampires to everyone, so with an order, the five people began to slaughter.

As soon as Duan Fei gave the command, Su Mucheng, the gunner, immediately fired an anti-tank gun and blasted it from a distance.

As soon as the vampire knight was attacked, he immediately flicked the cloak behind him, and the cloak turned into dozens of little bats, attacking and biting Duan Fei and the others.

This is a characteristic big move of the vampire knight, the cloak of bat wings, which can summon fifty bats to attack the enemy at a time. The attack of a single bat is not high, but a group of bats can attack a person, at least half of the blood can be bitten.

Moreover, this skill is the boss's blood recovery skill.

If he bites someone, he will bleed back.

Seeing a group of bats flying over, Tian Qi and Yue Zhongmian quickly shouted: "Everyone be careful!"

But at this moment, two figures rushed out from both of them.

It was Duan Fei with a long sword in his hand, and Ye Xiu who was waving his long hair!
I saw the two of them swaying the weapons in their hands, and two big moves in a row enveloped the bats in front of them!
And at this time, Su Mucheng's second skill was activated!
The flame bomb exploded in the crowd of bats, and instantly ignited a raging fire, burning all the wings of a group of bats.

The bats without wings fell to the ground one after another, unable to attack anymore.

Tian Qi and Yue Zhongmian couldn't help but stare blankly, Duan Fei, Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, the three cooperated so tacitly.

The three of them didn't speak to each other, but their cooperation was perfect, breaking the vampire knight's big move with one move.

At this moment, Ye Xiu and Duan Fei jumped forward in unison, Duan Fei charged and stabbed, and Ye Xiu stabbed at the vampire knight at the same time with a dragon tooth.



There were two muffled bangs, one was the vampire knight's shield blocking Duan Fei's charge and assassination, but Ye Xiu's Dragon Tooth skill stabbed the vampire knight firmly in the chest.


The vampire knight froze for a second.

For ordinary players, one second may be just a blink of an eye, but for Duan Fei and others, one second can release several attacks and at the same time link up with new control skills.

At this time, the characteristics of Duan Fei and Ye Xiusan were fully displayed.

Because they haven't changed jobs, they can learn more control skills.

The two cooperated with each other and almost controlled the vampire knight to death.

Next to Su Mucheng's machine guns and cannons, bombing in turn, Tian Qi and Yue Zhongmian were immediately dumbfounded.

They didn't know what to do for a while, whether to go up and help

They suddenly felt that the three of Duan Fei and the others were enough to deal with the vampire knight, and if they went up, it might be a disservice in the future.

"Shall we go?" Looking at Sleeping Moon, Tian Qi said.

"Okay! Go!" Yue Zhongmian nodded, holding a long knife and preparing to rush up.

But Duan Fei stopped them both.

"Get out of the way first, this monster bat will suck blood when it bites people."

Vampire knights, of course, rely on blood sucking back and forth.

It was the dozens of bats he released that helped him suck blood.

This is a special skill of the vampire knight. The target bitten by his bat swarm will not only lose blood, but the blood will return to himself.

So Vampire Knight is one of the most difficult hidden bosses to kill.

Hearing Duan Fei's voice, Sleeping Moon and Tian Qi backed away again, far away from the battle zone.

 Meow meow, congratulations to book friend [Kirito] for becoming the first cute master of this book!
  Add two more chapters again!

  Three more today, three more tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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