Chapter 431 Copy and Paste...

The presidents of the top ten trade unions all assigned people to inquire about the news, and the news came soon.

Sunset Forest!

I found Lord Grim and the others in the Sunset Forest!

"It turns out that his target is the sunset hunter!"

After getting the news, Yedu Hantan smiled coldly.

"Since the mouse has been found, it's time for us to appear on the stage. This cat-and-mouse operation is over!" Plantago Seed showed a triumphant smile.

"It's been almost a month. This time, we must kill their vigor and get rid of the old hatred from two months ago."

"Now I can't wait to grab their boss and destroy their group!"

"Then why hesitate? Let's go! Everyone!"

The presidents of the top ten trade unions were elated and began to mobilize their troops to outflank the Sunset Forest.

There are not many people, and there are not many. Each guild transfers a hundred elites, and ten guilds is a thousand elites.

Dealing with Lord Grim and the others, with an elite team of thousands of people, seemed like a fuss.

However, although the number of opponents is small, they are professional level masters. Facing Lord Grim and others, they dare not underestimate them.

In the hands of Jun Moxiao and the others, after suffering so much, they have already learned how to be good.

Bring more people, bring elites, that's right.

However, when these guild teams came to Sunset Forest, they saw Lord Grim and a group of people practicing leveling.

They ignored the boss refresh time. At this moment, it is still too early for the sunset hunter to refresh!
So, a thousand elite members of the top ten guilds sat there, waiting, watching Ye Xiu and the others kill monsters and level up.

From 10:30 in the evening to 02:30 in the morning!

Sunset Hunter hasn't refreshed yet!
The waiting time is always torturous and tedious. Many people from the top ten trade unions fell asleep lying on their computer desks.

However, at three o'clock in the morning, the Wild Boss finally refreshed.

But it's not the sunset hunter, but the blue crystal knight!

Most of the energy of the top ten trade unions is focused on Sunset Forest, and they don't have any scruples about the western desert. Moreover, it is too late to transfer people there at this time.

By the time they pass by, the boss has already been killed over there.

How long would it take thousands of people to kill a Wild Boss?
Needless to say, the answer must not exceed 5 minutes!
Duan Fei commanded thousands of members of Xingxin Guild, and easily killed the Blue Crystal Knight!
It took less than 5 minutes from killing the blue crystal knight to the time the blue crystal knight burst out with a lot of things!

This is the power of crowds!

When news of the Blue Crystal Knight's refresh spread to the top ten trade unions, and then the presidents of the top ten trade unions discussed whether to grab the boss, but before the results came out, the Blue Crystal Knight had already been killed!
After a month, the name of Xingxin's guild rolled across the computer screen again.

Guild Happy, once again appeared on TV!

Seeing the name of Guild Happy flashing over their heads, every member of Guild Happy felt proud and proud from the bottom of their hearts.

Anyone who plays games wants to be proud of himself in the game, and joining a guild is to follow the guild to feel proud.

At this moment, they got what they wanted.

In the eyes of these guild members, seeing Guild Xingxin's name was like seeing their own name!
Guild Xing's name was on the TV, that was their glory!

The blue crystal knight was very generous, and exploded four orange outfits!
One piece of orange leather armor, one piece of orange leather boots, one piece of orange plate armor, and one orange katana.

They are all very good orange outfits.

At present, the level [-] orange weapon is worth [-] soft sister coins.

Level [-] orange armor is worth about [-], and orange leather boots are worth about [-].

It's all money!

Seeing these equipments, all members of Xingxin's guild were drooling.

Most people only have one or two purple outfits, and most of them are blue and green.

A piece of orange equipment can be sold for hundreds of dollars, and even orange weapons can be sold for thousands of dollars. These top-quality equipment are things that ordinary players dream of.

(When Pineapple played online games, he was reluctant to buy equipment that cost 1000 yuan. Ordinary players, whose whole body can add up to [-] yuan, are already master-level players.)
So, seeing the orange outfit, everyone was very excited!
Duan Fei has played Glory for so many years, so he naturally knows what an orange outfit and a purple outfit are to ordinary players.

Therefore, Duan Fei spoke on the guild channel: "These equipment are the result of everyone's joint efforts. I will store these equipments in the guild warehouse. You can go to the guild warehouse and use guild points to exchange for equipment. As long as you develop the guild more, Accumulated guild points, whether it is orange equipment or purple equipment, can be exchanged!"

"Oh oh oh!!"

"Oh oh oh!!"

Seeing Duan Fei's words, all union members shouted excitedly!
Guild points are the contribution points accumulated by players doing guild tasks every day. These things can be obtained by spending time doing guild tasks, and they will not cost money at all.

Now, Duan Fei said that putting the Orange Pack in the guild warehouse for everyone to exchange is equivalent to exchanging the Orange Pack for free. How could they not be excited?

Even if you don't use it yourself, if you get it and sell it for money, that's still an income! !
As soon as Duan Fei finished speaking, he sent a message to his old friend Lan He.

"Lao Lan, are you tired of watching Lord Grim?"

"What do you think? I've fallen asleep several times..." Lan He said speechlessly.

"Who told you to join in the fun with them? Isn't it good to just lie on the bed and sleep?"

"Seeing that you are back, our top ten trade unions have worked together and made a concerted effort to speak out. Do you think I can run?"

"Come on, the old friend came back after a long time. He didn't line up to welcome him, but he was targeted like this. By the way, let me have a look at the guild warehouse management system of your Lanxi Pavilion!"

Seeing Duan Fei's message, Lan He fell silent.

Each guild has its own guild management method, and the management of each guild warehouse is also different.

Lanxi Pavilion's guild warehouse management plan is also the crystallization of management experience accumulated over the past ten years, and it has such a complete management system now.

The management system is a personal treasure. If it is precious, it is as precious as the exclusive martial arts cheats of the various schools in the martial arts world.

Only inner disciples can learn.

But if it is not precious, every inner disciple of Lanxi Pavilion knows this thing.

As long as one of them is an undercover agent or a traitor, the martial arts secret book will be leaked.

But no matter what, the exclusive secret book should be passed on inside but not outside.

Duan Fei actually asks him for this thing, can he, Lan He, not hesitate?

Show him or not?
Blue River hesitated in his heart.

As a result, Duan Fei sent a message to urge: "Hurry up! What time is it, finish it early and go to bed early."

"..." Blue River remained silent.

"I'll go, you're still hiding this crap, don't force me to set up an undercover agent and go to your guild to copy it!" Duan Fei continued to urge.

"All right, all right! Is it okay to give it to you!" Lan He was frightened.

Duan Fei really planted an undercover agent, and copied the guild warehouse system is also a matter of minutes.

Blue River directly sent the screenshot of the guild management system to Duan Fei. Duan Fei directly copied and pasted the screenshot of the guild management system, and set up the conditions for exchanging the contribution of the guild members for the corresponding equipment.

As soon as Duan Fei's side was set up, Blue River sent a message.

"I said, God, can you please replace the name of the guild when copying and pasting?"

Blue River was speechless.

what a man!
On the system announcement of the Happy Guild, there were a lot of names of Lanxi Pavilion!

When Lan He received this information from the undercover agent placed in Xingxin Guild, he almost vomited blood and hit the wall!
Are all gods so careless?
 Meow meow meow
(End of this chapter)

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