Chapter 53 Guide Qiu Musu!
Su Muqiu plugged in the glory login card and entered the game.

Follow the steps to create a character, set the character image, and choose the game name.

When it came to naming, Su Muqiu was trapped.

Because it has been more than a week since the Glory server opened, and there are tens of millions of registered players.

In other words, there are already tens of millions of game names in the game. If you want to choose another game name that is domineering, pleasant, beautiful, and pleasing to the ear, almost all of them are repeated.

It's really hard to come up with a name.

There is no other way, Su Muqiu can only write his name upside down, and the game character is called "Qiu Musu".

"Qiu Musu, Qiu Musu..."

Su Muqiu repeated the name of his game, and the more he said it, the more satisfied he became.

Qiumusu, the dead trees in autumn are revived again!
It's quite poetic when you think about it carefully.

Now it is late autumn, and I am the little tree that is waking up!
Nodding in satisfaction, he chose to enter the game.

Came to the dungeon of the dark jungle, Su Muqiu closed his eyes, recalled watching other people's operation of spawning monsters in the Internet cafe, then clicked to enter the dungeon, and charged towards the goblin mobs in the dungeon.

"Hey ha ha!"

He kept swinging the wooden stick to attack the goblin mobs, every swing made him feel extremely excited!
Before, he could only watch others fight.

Before, he could only dream of hitting himself in his dreams.

Now, I can finally fight monsters for real!

Every time the stick hits the goblin, it's as if he himself is swinging the monster himself!
At the beginning, because the 3D screen was too wobbly, I often couldn't find the direction of the monster, but as time went by, Su Muqiu gradually found out how to control the character to lock the target.

Duan Fei on the side turned his head to look at it from time to time, and saw that Su Muqiu's operation became more and more smooth, and the expression on his face became more and more excited, so he couldn't help smiling.

He remembered that when he played the dungeon for the first time, he was in this state!
But Dungeon is only a 2D game, while Glory is a 3D game, it will be more difficult to adapt.

Su Muqiu was able to adapt to the game operation in such a short period of time, which is quite a talent.

As long as you learn how to lock the target, you will attack the monsters. In a beginner dungeon like Mirkwood, except for the final boss, basically your life will not be in danger.

The journey was unimpeded, and Su Muqiu soon saw the final boss of the dungeon—the bull-headed monster!
The huge tauren with a red body, a loud roar can make people's heart beat faster.

Su Muqiu rushed up a little nervously, just like killing a goblin, he attacked one after another, but he didn't know how to dodge the attack of the bull-headed monster. After a while, he was killed by the bull-headed monster.

Back in Xinshou Village, Su Muqiu chose to enter the Misty Forest again, pushing the same way all the way, and soon came to the bull-headed giant beast.

This time his operation was more proficient than last time, but the result was still the same, and he was killed by the bull-headed monster again.

"You have to avoid its ground-shaking hammer and hide behind it." Duan Fei reminded when he saw this.

"Well, I know, it's just that I can't keep up with the operation and always hide slowly." Su Muqiu nodded and entered the dark forest again.

In fact, Su Muqiu knew the attack and weakness of the bull-headed monster, but he knew it, but his movements couldn't keep up with his thoughts. He knew how to dodge, but he just couldn't dodge.

It's as if you have 100 years of internal strength, but you don't know martial arts at all, so you can't exert it at all.

Duan Fei smiled and comforted: "It's okay, it's your first time playing, it's already pretty good to be able to do this, the more you practice, the better it will be."

"Yeah!" Su Muqiu was not discouraged, he would come again after he died!

When he entered the Mirkwood for the fourth time, he finally got his wish and killed the dead tauren, clearing the Mirkwood dungeon.

At this time, Qiu Musu's level just happened to be raised to level five, and then he began to learn professional skills.

Su Muqiu already knew the six professional factions and 24 professions of Glory well.

Among the six major factions, his favorite is the Gunners.

In the Internet cafe, he had seen others playing the sharpshooter profession many times, and he was deeply fascinated by the handsomeness of the sharpshooter profession.

Grab the gun with one hand, put it in the waist, draw the gun, fire the gun, close the gun, and the gun is still smoking. This set of movements is really cool!

Moreover, the gunner profession has close-to-body skills, can punch, kick, shoot, cannon, and robot... can be near and far, can attack and defend, it is an all-round occupation!
After learning the gunner skills, Su Muqiu walked towards Gran's Forest while turning his head to look at Duan Fei's computer desktop.

At this time, Duan Fei was playing team competition with other players in the arena, and saw Duan Fei waving the big sword in his hand again and again, and every time he swung a sword, there would be a silver-white sword light.

Su Muqiu took a closer look and found that Duan Fei swung his sword as fast as lightning.

Between the previous sword and the next sword, the movement is like flowing water, almost without the slightest pause!
Su Muqiu has also met many swordsman masters, but he has never seen anyone with such a fast sword speed.

Even the fastest lightsaber used by a swordsman is not so terrifying in speed!
He has studied Duan Fei's PK videos, but he has never seen Duan Fei have such a fast attack speed.

"Brother Fei, what kind of sword is this? Why is it so fast?" Su Muqiu couldn't help asking.

"Feihong Sword." Duan Fei turned his head and said something to Su Muqiu, then returned to his computer desktop and continued to attack with his sword.

Under his lightning attack, his opponent had almost no power to fight back.

"Feihong Sword?"

Su Muqiu was stunned, he had never heard of what kind of weapon it was, but he watched Duan Fei's attack, and suddenly found that Duan Fei's opponent had already reached 60 combos under his continuous attacks!

What is a combo?It is to launch an attack on the enemy. This attack has not been interrupted, and each hit will increase the number of combos.

A combo of 60 means that this opponent has been attacked by Duan Fei 60 times in a row, and he has never returned a blow!

The combo continues.





When Duan Fei's combo reached 64, his opponent collapsed to the ground!

Duan Fei's opponent was attacked by him continuously from the very beginning, and he was directly chained to death!

However, Duan Fei's battle did not stop, because this was a 3V3 team match.

I saw that the long sword shining with silver light in the hand of "Duan Tianya" on the screen changed abruptly at this moment, the original thick hilt suddenly split from it, like a peacock spreading its tail, pieces of blades were like blades It turned over and stuck tightly to the original thin and thin blade, and recast it into a thick and wide giant sword!
Seeing this scene, Su Muqiu's eyes widened!
What is this thing again?

 la la la!Gun King Su Muqiu is here!

  How about the change of Taihong Sword?Can you get by?
  In fact, the full-time Yinwu is really mysterious, especially Ye Shen's Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, so many changes can be done at will, it is simply a magic weapon in mythology and novels!I can change whatever I want, it’s more mysterious than 72, hehehe!

(End of this chapter)

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