The strongest casual player in the whole server

Chapter 72 Shameless and Shameless?

Chapter 72 Shameless and Shameless? (The first update! Beg for the first order!)

Hearing Duan Fei's voice, Monk Yong Rejoice's complexion couldn't help but change drastically!

The two of them are equipped with top-grade orange equipment. If they were killed in the wild, and a random piece of equipment was exposed, it would be a loss of thousands of yuan.

In fact, a thousand dollars is nothing to rich second generations like them, but that doesn't mean they don't care.

Just like we play cards, everyone can afford to lose, but no one wants to lose.

"You're still number one on the Glory List, what kind of heroes are you only playing tricks and tricks? If you have the guts, come and fight our brothers one-on-one!" shouted with a red face.

"That's right! Everyone in All Glory said that you are skilled, but my brothers have been very unconvinced. You just took advantage of not changing jobs. If I hadn't changed jobs, I would still be on the honor list No.1 position!" The monk said the same with Rejoice.

They are actually very clear about Duan Fei's skills.

Without absolute strength, how could he be able to overwhelm tens of millions of Glory players and occupy the number one position on the Glory list for a long time.

The reason why they said such things was purely out of anger and to stimulate Duan Fei.

It's like when we are angry and swear at others, we always pick the bad ones.

"Really? Do you want to fight me one-on-one? Well, I will give you a fair chance." Duan Fei smiled at the two of them, but when the two of them just showed joy, Duan Fei waved his hand , Shouted loudly: "Brothers, fire me!"

Duan Fei gave an order, and everyone in the Sanmu Forest released their ultimate skills. In an instant, hundreds of various skills and ultimate moves bombarded the monk surrounded by them with Rejoice and a million annual salary. .

Undoubtedly, amidst the brilliant special effects of the skills, only a splash of blood could be seen flashing, and then the million-year-salary and the monk used Rejoice, and they all fell to the ground "unfortunately".

Both of them were completely dumbfounded by Duan Fei's change of face like flipping through a book!
Say ah!How about a one-on-one fight?What about giving a fair chance?As soon as he turned around, he ordered a gang fight!How could there be such a shameless person!You are the number one master of glory, do you still want to be criticized?

The two people with a million annual salary criticized Duan Fei in their hearts, angrily scolding Duan Fei for being despicable and shameless.

However, Duan Fei took a few steps forward and picked up the equipment that the two of them had exploded.

There are two pieces of equipment in total, one is orange leather armor and the other is orange glove.

Seeing the attributes of the two pieces of equipment, Duan Fei couldn't help laughing.

The leather armor was made by the monk using Rejoice, and the pair of gloves were the orange weapons used by a million-dollar salary.

These two pieces of equipment are the most expensive top-grade orange equipment, and if they are sold in the market, they can sell for at least 3000 yuan.

Duan Fei put the two pieces of equipment into his backpack with satisfaction, then squatted on the ground, and asked the two corpses that hadn't chosen to be resurrected: "Hi! I just picked up two pieces of top-quality orange equipment, one is 10% injury-free The top-quality leather armor, one is the top-quality boxing gloves that increase critical strike damage by 20%, do you want it? If you want it, I can sell it to you for 3000 yuan."

Hearing Duan Fei's words, both the million-dollar annual salary and the monk Yong Rejoice were stunned, and immediately, the two of them burst into sharp curses almost at the same time!

"I want a mud horse! Glory is the first to break Tianya! Despicable, shameless and shameless! Duan Tianya, I have millions of dollars to spend with you!!"

"Duan Tianya! You bastard! You are such a sinister and despicable villain! I, He Shang's leather armor, will buy you a coffin! I curse you for cutting off your children and grandchildren!!"

Duan Fei was blown away by the monk's rejoicing and annual salary of one million!

Not to mention that the best equipment on his body was exploded, Duan Fei actually teased them on the spot, asking them if they want to buy the equipment they exploded themselves!

For them, this is simply a great shame! !

"Oh! Caidao, why did I hear a dog barking just now?" Duan Fei said to a kitchen knife beside him.

Hearing this, a kitchen knife shook his head: "It's not one bark, but two barks."

"Really? It seems that your ears are better." Duan Fei smiled, and then said: "Then you can shut up these two dogs!"

"Don't worry! Leave it to me!"

A kitchen knife rubbed his hands excitedly, and then called out to his trap team teammates: "Trap team brothers, you all come here, come here."

A kitchen knife came to the corpses of the million-year-salary and the monk Yong Rejoice, who were still cursing there, and then greeted his dozens of teammates from the trap team to come here, forming a circle.

"Come on, everyone shout with me—I'm a muddy horse!"

Dozens of people yelled in unison following a kitchen knife, and the deafening voice was transmitted to the ears of Qian Wanwan and He Shang on the other end of the computer through the earphones, making them take off their earphones in a hurry.


The two of them looked at the gray computer screen speechlessly. Their game characters were dead, so they couldn't see any screens in the game.However, the sound in the game can still be transmitted through the headphones.

When they were humiliated by Duan Fei, they wanted to vent their anger by cursing, but Duan Fei actually ordered a kitchen knife and brought dozens of people to scold them.There are only two of them, how can they scold dozens of others?
Therefore, both Qian Wanwan and He Shang chose to resurrect the characters, and they were reborn and returned to Xinshou Village, and their ears finally became a little cleaner.

"Tch! I ran away after only a few curses, I really don't need to be scolded." Seeing that both the million-dollar salary and the monk's Rejoice chose to be resurrected, a kitchen knife curled his lips in disappointment.

Duan Fei shook his head and smiled, walked to the periphery of the Sanmu Forest camp, glanced around, and said, "Are you all coming to grab the boss of our Sanmu Forest?"

Under Duan Fei's gaze, the stunned group of small guild players and the retail players who were considering whether to rush up to pick up waste all took a step back involuntarily.

"Where is it, we just happened to pass by!" "The Prodigal Son of Love", the president of the Qingyi Tianxia Guild, waved his hands and laughed.

The unparalleled president of the world, "Proud Gun", also smiled awkwardly: "Yes! Doesn't President Duan feel that the scenery of the Frost Forest today is particularly beautiful?"

"Oh! Winter is coming, and I suddenly feel a little cold. I have to go home and get some clothes." The president of the Zhatian Gang, "Taishang Commoner", hurriedly greeted their more than 50 guild members, and headed towards the periphery of the Frost Forest. go.

Although the presidents of these small guilds are unwilling, even the retail alliance with an army of 800 people has been wiped out by Sanmu Forest. They are small gangs with only a few dozen people, how dare they fight against Sanmu Forest ?

"Haha! My wife told me to eat, and I have to go back. There will be a period after the president is terminated." The affectionate prodigal son also greeted his guild members with a smirk to leave quickly.

"The green hills will not change, and the green water will flow forever, and there will be a period later!" The World-Proud Spear God clasped his fists, with a sense of Jianghu.

Soon, a group of players from the small guild, led by the guild leader, left the Frost Forest one after another.

 Thank you for your support!This is the first update!There are four more changes later, a total of five changes.

  If the number of subscribers exceeds 50 today, a new chapter will be added tonight!Over 100 plus two chapters.and so on. .unlimited!

  In addition, let me tell you that Ye Xiu will appear in Chapter 10!
  So, let's see if we can update Pineapple to Chapter 10 today!
(End of this chapter)

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