Chapter 77 Wei Chen vs Duan Fei! (2) (Sixth update! Please book in full!)

'Let this old man lift your veil and see who you really are! '

Hearing Duan Fei's words, Wei Chen thought to himself, then walked to the open space in the middle, and said something to Duan Fei.

"bring it on!"

A gleam burst out of Wei Chen's eyes, and he stared closely at Duan Fei who was in the crowd in front of him.

Wei Chen's Soksar is a warlock.

Warlocks are actually mages. Because their skills have dark attributes, they are classified into the dark night faction profession and become the only magic profession in the dark night department.

Around Wei Chen's body, a dark black hurricane blew up. Obviously, he had already started to chant skills!
This is his job-changing skill—Power of Darkness, which can increase his dark damage by 15% and reduce his skill singing time by 15% in battle!

Duan Fei didn't care that Wei Chen chanted the skill ahead of time, but rushed towards Wei Chen with a single stride.

Warlock is actually not a profession that is good at one-on-one duels. Although the damage of warlock skills is high, most of the skills of warlocks require a long singing time.

If in a team battle, under the protection of teammates, the warlock can have enough time to sing the ultimate skill, and the effect that can be exerted is undoubtedly the greatest.

However, in a one-on-one duel, the weakness of the warlock's skill chanting for a long time will be infinitely magnified.

Once attacked by close combat, it is difficult to release skills and cannot give full play to one's own advantages.

Therefore, after the war, the general warlocks choose to retreat, keep a certain attack distance from the opponent, and beware of getting close.

However, when Wei Chen saw Duan Fei charging towards him, he didn't choose to back down, instead, he waved his staff like a warrior and went straight to meet him!

Is this sending you to death?
of course not.

Doing the opposite is Wei Chen's greatest ability!

He can rely on his ghostly footsteps, even in close combat, he can not suffer!
Back then, the necromancer he played in the dungeon was able to rank among the top ten in the dungeon list, because of his ghostly footwork!

He named this set of steps "Ghost Shadow Steps" himself.It means that it is like a ghost, clinging to the enemy's back, so that the enemy cannot attack itself.

However, there were quite a few dungeon netizens back then who called his footwork "Shading Step".

But he doesn't like the name, he still thinks "Ghost Shadow Step" is more suitable for his fighting style.

Both of them are sprinting, and the distance between them is constantly shrinking, ten meters!Eight meters!Five meters!Three meters!
When there was only a distance of about two meters between the two of them, the Taihong sword in Duan Fei's hand suddenly swung.

Magic Swordsman's starting skill-drawing the sword!
A slanting moon-shaped blade instantly cut through the white snow on the ground, and flew towards Wei Chen who was approaching.

However, at this moment, Wei Chen rolled over on the spot, not only dodged Duan Fei's sword drawing skill, but also came sideways behind Duan Fei!

Then with a wave of his right hand, a ball of chaotic light that had been charged for a long time shot out from his hand.

After the ball of light left Wei Chen's right hand, it burst open instantly, turning into twenty tiny black arrows, and shot towards Duan Fei's back.

This is a Warlock's low-level skill - Cursed Arrow!
The longer the charge time is, the more arrows can burst out, up to 26 cursed arrows can burst out to attack the enemy.

Wei Chen's ability to burst out 20 cursed arrows in such a short period of time is already terrifying enough.

With such a short distance and attacking from behind, it is impossible for Duan Fei to dodge this attack like a rain of arrows.

He could only forcefully shoot an arrow with a dark attribute at his body, and slashed behind him with a backhanded sword.

However, Wei Chen's body appeared behind Duan Fei again like a ghost.

Walking like a ghost, following you like a shadow, no matter how you attack, I am your shadow and will always appear behind you.

This is the highest secret of "Ghost Shadow Walk"!
Duan Fei's sword missed again, and Wei Chen, who appeared behind Duan Fei, had a ball of flame burning again in his hand.

It was a black flame.

Wei Chen slightly bent his palm, and the black flame transformed into an arrow-like shape in his hand. Then he waved lightly, and the burning arrow shot towards Duan Fei's back with a "beep". go away.

Burning Arrow, the strongest single-target attack skill at level 20 for Warlocks.

In addition to causing terrible damage to the enemy, it can also ignite the enemy's body, causing it to enter a burning state for a certain period of time, and lose 300 HP per second.


Just when Wei Chen released the "Burning Arrow", a dazzling sword light suddenly bloomed in front of his eyes!

The frivolous rapier pierced through the flame that turned into an arrow, and stabbed steadily into Wei Chen's chest who was stunned!
Just one sword, but four swords!

The swordsman's full-level stabbing!

After being stabbed by Duan Fei's sword, Wei Chen's Suokesar maintained the movement of releasing his skills and remained motionless!
Stiffness, this is the biggest effect of Lian Tu.

How could Duan Fei miss such an excellent opportunity?

"Brush! Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Countless sword lights, like lightning, continuously bloomed on Wei Chen's body!

Bloody lights flashed, and Wei Chen's health value, like a cracked water glass, bottomed out in an instant.

In the end, when Wei Chen was about to break out of the frozen state, Duan Fei used a magic swordsman's wave slash to clear away the last trace of Wei Chen's blood, and sent his body flying!

Wei Chen's body fell heavily on the ground, motionless!
"How did you see through the old man's ghost walk?"

Wei Chen's body lay motionless on the ground, but his voice came out through the headset.

Duan Fei smiled slightly, and said softly: "Because, shadows can be seen!"

Hearing Duan Fei's voice, Wei Chen froze.

Yes, shadows are visible.

Everyone can see their own shadow.

But ghost walking is not a real shadow, he just uses his superb predictive ability to hide in your blind spot of vision, so that you can't catch his whereabouts.

You know he is right behind you, but you will never find him.

This is the scary part of Ghost Shadow Walk!
However, if you can see him like a shadow, then his hiding is useless.

"I know who you are!"

After being defeated by Duan Fei, Wei Chen did not show any signs of frustration, but a hint of excitement in his voice!

That's right, it's excitement!
Because he finally knew who Duan Fei was!

It's him!

The legendary swordsman who disappeared for four years!

That year, Wei Chen, who had learned Ghost Shadow Walk, was once defeated by his sword.

At that time, Wei Chen once asked him how he could see through his ghost walking, and he said that's exactly what he said!
Shadows can be seen!

 Thank you for subscribing, the number of subscribers has reached 50, so the sixth update promised by Pineapple is coming!

  Wondering how shadows are seen?
  Whether it can be added or not depends on everyone's support! (*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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