Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 105 They Actually Know

Chapter 105 They Actually Know
Gu Encounter's emotions suddenly became agitated, and she suddenly looked at the old man on the bed, no wonder he felt so familiar with his eyes.

He is Uncle Li, who used to be by her father's side and loved her the most.

She held his hand and could see a trace of tears in Uncle Li's eyes.

"Uncle Li, I will definitely cure you."

Her voice choked, what happened back then?
I thought he died with my father, but I didn't expect that he was still alive, but he became like this, which is really worrying.

Gu Yuyu didn't dare to think about how her father died?

The mood was extremely bad in an instant, and she turned around.

"Operate, operate on him quickly."

Seeing him in such pain, with the insect repellent still crawling in his body, she felt very uncomfortable.

The doctors and nurses were taken aback when they saw her pear blossom with rain.

At this moment, the nurse on duty ran in, "Doctor Huang, the dean said that the patient is accepted and arranged for an operation for him."

Hearing this, Gu Encounter felt relieved a lot. She raised her hand to wipe away her tears, and then walked towards Uncle Li.

"Uncle Li, you will be fine after the operation."

At the door of the operating room, Gu Yumet was sitting in a chair, holding that old tie clip in her hand. If Uncle Li hadn't kept this tie clip, she wouldn't have recognized him at all.

Her eyes darkened little by little. Everyone said that Ye Siheng killed her father when she died.And she knew Ye Siheng, he would not treat Uncle Li like this.

He will definitely solve it quickly and neatly, so is there another hidden story about what happened back then?

She began to think wildly, if she avenged her wrongly, Ye Siheng's death was someone else's conspiracy.

Thinking of this, her heart clenched together, then she closed her eyes and shook her head, not to think about it any more.

"Miss Gu, I didn't expect you to be so powerful that you actually found our boss?"

The cold and gloomy voice rang in his ears, Gu Yumet straightened up and looked at him.

Xi Cheng was wearing a white coat, standing beside her, staring at her coldly.

His eyes were cold and without any warmth, which made Gu Yuyu feel that this man seemed to have enmity with her, especially the way he looked at her with deep hatred.

But after thinking about it carefully, she didn't know him.

So she won't give him a good face, "Dean Xi, is he a doctor if he refuses to save him?"

The two looked at each other with hostility in their eyes.

Gu Yuyu suddenly felt that she couldn't put Uncle Li here. If she put it here, would the young dean be able to do something?

When she thought this way, she decided not to speak, and waited until the operation was done, otherwise Uncle Li was in the hands of this man, making him angry would only be bad for Uncle Li.

The two of them were like this, one standing and the other sitting, not speaking, not making a sound, the silence was a bit scary.

Gu Yuyu didn't know why he made a special trip to accompany her at the door of the operating room?What does he mean?
At this moment, the elevator door opened, and an extremely tall and straight figure appeared, followed by Zukang and two bodyguards in black.

He Nanjie stepped up to Gu Yuyu's side, his gaze fell on her puffy and beautiful little face.

"Who's sick?"

Seeing that he came over in person, Xi Cheng asked a question.

"Is she so important to you?"

Obviously unhappy in his voice, He Nanjie knew that he had hatred for this girl.And he didn't know about his rebirth, so the hatred was very strong and deep.

The eyes behind Xi Cheng's glasses were cold, and it was incredible that Gu Yumet knew Jie and seemed to have a close friendship.
Asking for a ticket, there is still a chapter, which is being coded——
(End of this chapter)

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