Chapter 108

After she finished speaking, she still didn't forget to wink mischievously at the two of them, and then walked away quickly.

He Nanjie and Xi Cheng stared at her coldly, until she got farther and farther away, and He Nanjie called her loudly.

"Gu, meet, see..."

With strong anger, that woman thought he had that kind of relationship with Xiao Cheng?

Xi Cheng laughed, seeing Jie's angry face, he laughed happily.

He Nanjie has never seen him smile in the past few years, and knows the hatred in his heart, and all his efforts are for hatred.

Seeing him smiling so happily at this moment, she immediately felt that Gu Yumet was quite capable, and she could do what he couldn't do.

Xi Cheng felt his gaze and stopped laughing.

"Jie, do you see, that woman has no brain at all, she can put you and me..."

He pointed at the two of them, then smiled again.

"It's really stupid to think of you and me as that kind of relationship."

In fact, He Nanjie knew that Xiaocheng also had special feelings for Gu Yuyu. In those two years, the two of them often played together. Gu Yuyu treated her very well, and Xiaocheng also liked her and respected her.

What happened suddenly afterwards hit Xiaocheng hard, so he worked hard to exercise and study hard, and became what he is today.

That little fat man disappeared, and he became the tall and handsome Xi Cheng today.

"Xiaocheng, can you leave me alone with her?"

Xi Cheng's eyes suddenly darkened a lot, "Jie, I'm afraid you will be cheated by her and hurt you then."

When he said these words, there were tears in Xi Cheng's eyes.

The more you care, the more damage you will have.

He Nanjie chuckled, "Don't you think I look a lot like your brother? You just treat me as him. Can you stop what he wants to do?"

Xi Cheng looked at him with heavy eyes, Jie and brother were so similar, sometimes he couldn't tell him from brother, he really regarded him as brother.

"I can't stop you from liking her, but I hope you don't use all your sincerity. That woman is the most deceptive."

That's right, if you don't know how to cheat, no one as powerful as brother will be involved.He is still not the same. His feelings for her in the past are real, and he treats her as a family member.

He Nanjie had almost finished eating, so he looked at the time.

"The operation should be over, what is the patient's condition like?"

Xi Cheng put down the tableware, elegantly picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth.

"I read his medical records, and it should be that he was abused. His whole body was covered with injuries, and the wounds had already rotted. The tendons in his hands and hamstrings were old injuries. They should have been picked off many years ago, and he couldn't walk anymore. "

He Nanjie frowned, "The injury is so serious?"

Gu Yumet said it was her uncle, but in his investigation of her, there was no such person by her side.

Xi Cheng added, "The tongue was also cut off, so he can't speak, and he can't write with his hands. If you want to know something from him? It's very difficult."

This was inferred by Xi Cheng, the old man must know some important secret, that's why they treated him like this.

Those people are also cruel. He has become like this, but he is not allowed to die. Living is also a kind of suffering.

The two came out of the restaurant and went back to the hospital.

Xi Cheng accompanied him to the ward, and when he entered the door, he could hear Gu Encounter's voice.

"Uncle Li, you must get better. I have a lot to ask you."

He Nanjie walked to her side, he frowned and looked at the old man on the bed, his whole body was wrapped in gauze, he was still in a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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