Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 117 I Only Like You

Chapter 117 I Only Like You

The aroma of wine mixed with a faint smell of tobacco filled her mouth.

Gu Yuyu pushed him away with all his strength, "He Nanjie, don't get drunk, drink the hangover tea obediently."

There was a trace of anger on a certain pretty little face, and when he stared at him, it made his heart soften a little.

Zhan Hei's eyes turned to the coffee table beside him, then he stretched out his long fingers with well-articulated bones to pinch the cup, and moved it danglingly towards his mouth.

Gu Yumet couldn't bear to watch it anymore, so he could only take it, and personally brought it to his mouth and fed the hangover tea into his mouth.

"It's a little hot."

Someone took a few sips before he could speak, and looked at her with some complaints.

How did the ruthless CEO change?He looked at her innocently.

Gu Yuyu was also confused by his gaze. For a certain moment, his expression was almost exactly the same as Ye Siheng's.

Her heart will become extremely soft, and she will not be able to be fierce to him even if she wants to.

"Then I'll blow it to you."

It's a bit embarrassing for him to drink the freshly brewed tea. She was angry before, why did this guy come to her house after drinking too much?

But she couldn't drive him away, and she said she would be his nominal woman, so she could only fulfill this duty.

Anyway, this family was saved because of him, so let's assume that he also contributed.

Gu Yuyu carefully blew on the hangover tea, while He Nanjie just looked at her like this.

Her eyes are very beautiful, standard peach blossom eyes, charming and bright, her small mouth is slightly pouted in bright red, so charming.

He stared at her with his eyes, while she seriously blew on the tea, then secretly took a sip before bringing it to his lips.

"It's not hot anymore, drink it all up."

He Nanjie took it, and drank the hangover tea exactly as she had just drunk it.

I have never felt that this thing is delicious, but at this time, I feel that it is extremely sweet.

It's like kissing her lips, it tastes really good.

Gu Yuyu took the cup and put it on the coffee table, then supported his arm.

"Go back to your room and rest."

He Nanjie got up obediently, but after he stood up, he hugged Gu Yumet into his arms, and his smile became worse.

Gu Yuyu glared at her, "Master He, are you bisexual?"

He obviously has an affair with Dean Xi, and when he was with her, he always tried to take advantage of her from time to time, so she felt that this man was too greedy and not dedicated enough.

He Nanjie looked at her with deeper eyes, "I only like you!"

It's such a simple sentence again, it doesn't explain, but it doesn't hide it either.

Gu Yuyu doesn't want to argue with him anymore?Holding his arm and dragging him to the elevator.

After entering the guest room, He Nanjie quit.

"Go to sleep in your bedroom."

The room was exactly the same as the one he had in Night Castle, which was his favorite style, so it would be more comfortable to sleep in.

Gu Yuyu threw him on the bed in the guest room, turned around and left.

"Stop dreaming, just sleep well."

Gu Yu met walked towards the door, it was so late, she had to go to a beauty sleep.

"Gu met..."

A tall man sat up straight and called her coldly, but a certain woman pretended not to hear.

"Miss Gu, tomorrow I will have someone demolish this house."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Yumet suddenly turned around and walked towards him, reluctantly taking his hand away.

"Master He, please!"

She cursed in her heart, isn't he drunk?How can I remember these all the time, what a bastard.

He Nanjie laughed even more evilly, "Miss Gu, I will give you a big gift tomorrow, so you have to return it tonight."
I would like to ask everyone a question, whether this book is abused or spoiled, the author will choose a familiar baby to give a cup, don't forget to vote for Mumu! ——
(End of this chapter)

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