Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 128 I will never let you go

Chapter 128 I Will Never Let You Go
Gu Qingye's gaze sharpened, and the sharp point of the knife slashed towards Gu Encounter's face.

At this moment, a gunshot rang out, Gu Qingye's eyes widened, and the knife in her hand fell to the ground. She frowned and looked at the place where the gunshot rang out.

He Nanjie's cold gaze met hers, his eyes were bloodthirsty and cruel.

She bent over in pain, trying to pick up the dagger, but all of He Nanjie's people came in and detained Gu Qingye's bodyguard.Even Gu Qingye who picked up the dagger was pushed to the ground.

He Nanjie looked at the woman wrapped in fishnets, she was very calm, without a trace of fear on her face.It's just that the fishnet is too annoying, showing her figure completely.

He frowned, "Turn all around." He ordered coldly.

Then everyone turned around, even the bodyguards and Gu Qingye were forced to turn around.

He walked towards her with slender and straight legs, deep in his deep and three-dimensional eyes, covered with an incomprehensible shadow.

Gu Yumet didn't speak, and looked at him. The two stood like this for a while, and then he stretched out his knuckle fingers to help her untie the knotted nets layer by layer.

Until the fishing net slipped to the ground, Gu Yumet was finally free, and she clenched the dagger in her hand.

She didn't care about He Nanjie, but walked quickly to Gu Qingye's side, squatted down and lowered her neck with the knife.

"Tell me, how did my dad die?"

When hearing these words, He Nanjie's eyes changed, and she finally realized that there was something strange about her father's death.Didn't she think it was a homicide?Now she was finally beginning to suspect.

Is there really some conspiracy in the middle?He looked at the two of them coldly.

And Gu Qingye's hand was bleeding all the time, the pain made her sweat profusely, she shook her head.

She didn't know if Gu Encounter believed it or not, "Tell me quickly, or I'll let you taste what Uncle Li has suffered."

She raised the knife and stabbed it with her other hand, Gu Qingye screamed in pain, seeing the blood gushing out, she was terrified.

"Gu Yumet, you treat me like this, I will definitely not let you go."

Gu Yuyu sneered, "We are each other, if you don't want to suffer, please tell me."

She didn't believe it anymore, and she must force her to find out today.


She held the handle of the knife and pressed the knife an inch into the flesh, Gu Qingye screamed out.


She had never suffered this kind of crime before, and it was really painful at this moment. The hand from the gunshot wound was bleeding all the time, and Gu Yumet deliberately injured her other hand. Was this to make her a useless person?

No, she doesn't want to be like Li Bing, a man who was so powerful before, lived a life after his hands and feet were crippled.She doesn't want to be him, so she nods quickly.

"I said, I said..."

Gu Yuyu heard her crying and knew she couldn't bear the pain, so he let go.

Gu Qingye's eyelashes trembled, as did his lips.


"Blue leaves..."

Zhang Lanjing's voice came, and then the police and reporters carrying cameras all entered the villa.

He Nanjie didn't expect that this old woman was so powerful that she brought the police and reporters to threaten him.

Gu Yuyu frowned, wanting to press her further.He Nanjie blocked her, and then pulled her up.

"You go, leave this to me."

She is a public figure now, if this news is broadcast, it will not be good for her reputation, and her image will also be affected.

(End of this chapter)

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