Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 13 Wild Species

Chapter 13 Wild Species
Gu Encounter didn't want to talk to her, she raised her hand to touch her son's face, there was a red mark on it, it should be Gu Qingye's punch, she felt very distressed when she saw it.

And Xiaoye held the thing in his hand tightly and shook his head, "Mum, I'm not afraid, and it doesn't hurt, so don't worry."

Although he is only four years old, he is often like a little adult, especially in front of Gu Encounter, he will become very brave, and he wants to protect her.

Gu Yuyu stood up and took his little hand.

"Let's go home."

She led Xiao Xiaoye towards the door, and the crying little boy who was sitting on the ground suddenly stood up and chased after him.

"That's mine, my..."

Crying and shouting that it was his, Gu Qingye chased after him in a few steps.

"Gu Yumet, this bastard you gave birth to has robbed my son and asked him to return it."

She looked condescending, her eyes full of arrogance.

Gu Yumet turned around and waved his palm, "Say one more thing."

There was a warning in her eyes, if she dared to say another word, she would embarrass her even more.

Considering that her son was here, she didn't want to bother with her.

Gu Qingye rubbed his reddened face and his gaze became darker, "Gu Yuyu, don't overdo it, he's obviously a wild child. Does she have a father? Do you dare to tell him how his father died?"

Gu Yumet had never mentioned these words in front of Xiao Xiaoye, but Gu Qingye kept mentioning them.

Gu Yumet said to Xiao Xiaoye: "Xiao Xiaoye, you stay in the yard for a while, and take this little guy out too. Mommy has something to say to this woman, you are not allowed to peek."

Xiaoye glanced at the bad woman, then grabbed Tiantian's hand and walked out.

Crying and calling out during the day, "I want that ball, it's mine."

Xiao Xiaoye glanced at him, originally he didn't want to give him the ball, it was something Mommy bought her, but in order to take him out of here, he said softly.

"I can give it to you. You follow me outside, and you are not allowed to enter the house obediently. Do you hear me?"

Opening his eyes during the day, he stopped crying and wanted to grab the ball overbearingly.

Xiaoye raised the ball high, "I'll give it to you outside."

The two children left the living room and went into the yard.

There was a hint of hatred on Gu Yuyujuemei's face, the corners of his mouth curled up coldly, and then he approached Gu Qingye step by step, reaching out his slender white hand to grab her throat.

Gu Qingye didn't expect her to dare to treat her like this, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and then he screamed again and again.

"Come on, come on."

As soon as she yelled, the bodyguards in the hall would appear, and they surrounded her.

Gu Qingye still wanted to speak, but Gu Encounter added some strength.

"Don't come here, or I'll kill her."

Gu Qingye couldn't breathe, her face turned red.

Both hands grabbed Gu Yumet's hand that was pinching her neck, trying to tear her away.But she is incomparable to Gu Encounter. Gu Encounter has been trained in the Bai family before. He is very skilled and is a master of fighting.

And Gu Qingye is a pampered young lady, how can she be no match for her.

After hearing what Gu Encounter said, the bodyguards didn't dare to go forward, fearing that she would really strangle the young lady to death, so they asked the young master to come over, but they didn't dare to go forward.

Gu Yuyu looked at Gu Qingye whose complexion changed drastically and her eyes widened with fear, she said coldly.

"In the future, if you dare to call him a bastard again, or tell him about his father, I will definitely make you die ugly."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly let go, and Gu Qingye was finally able to breathe heavily.

Gu Yuyu turned coldly and walked towards the door when a male voice appeared.

"Meet you, don't go."

(End of this chapter)

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