Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 144 Widow

Chapter 144 Widow
The men had been staring at Gu Yuyu as if they were prey, but now that they saw He Nanjie and knew it was his woman, they didn't dare to take another look.

After complimenting each other, he left quickly.

Gu Yuyu chuckled lightly, "Oh, didn't you say that if you don't get drunk, you won't go home?

But no one dared to come back. Gu Yumet felt that this was the truth. She hugged one of the thickest thighs, but who would be the man who dared to challenge Mr. He?

He Nanjie looked at her beautiful little face, apart from being glamorous, there was nothing but sarcasm.

This girl is shockingly beautiful, but her heart is also very bad.

He put his arms around her waist, "Let's go, the fireworks won't be seen any later."

Gu Yu met leaned on his shoulder, really tired, squinted his eyes and smiled faintly.

"Master He, you said that you are so rich and powerful, why do you like a widow?"

She called herself a widow, which was bad enough.

He Nanjie directly hugged her up, very standard princess hug.Go outside the banquet hall and into the elevator.

Cheng Xi has been following the two of them. In the elevator, Gu Yuyu glanced at Xi Cheng.

"Master Xi, do you want to watch the fireworks with us?"

He Nanjie glanced at him at this moment, "Don't follow us."

This kid is full of light bulbs, and he has been following him all the time. When he enters the room later, does he want to follow him too?
Xi Cheng frowned, a trace of worry flashed across his delicate eyebrows.

"Jie, it's good for the three of us to watch the fireworks together."

"Fuck off...Who watched it with you as a man, I'm not interested in three of you together, go back to your room."

The elevator reached the top floor, and the three of them got out of the elevator. Zukang and the others waited at the door of the elevator, and when they saw him coming out holding Gu Yuyu, they nodded slightly.

"Master, the things have been delivered to your room."

He walked in front and opened the door for the two of them. When Xi Cheng was about to enter, Zukang stopped him.

"Master Xi, our young master has said that no one will be let in."

After speaking, he closed the door, then pointed to the next room with a smile, "Your room is another room."

Xi Cheng was so angry that he pointed at him, "Are you with Gu Encounter, or are you with us?"

"I belong to the young master, and I only obey his orders."

He Nanjie carried Gu Yu into the room. She drank a lot tonight, so she was a little drunk. When he put her on the ground, she threw off her high heels, and then the suit on her shoulders slipped off, and she ran to French windows.

She leaned on the floor-to-ceiling window and looked out, with a hint of complaint in her voice.

"Ye, why are there no fireworks?"

Didn't he say to take her to watch the fireworks?
A certain woman didn't realize who she was called?But He Nanjie's heart was shocked.

Was she calling Ye Siheng just now?
He walked over quickly, pulled her around, and kissed her lips.

Domineering, kissing her hard.

Gu Yumet didn't react for a while, but when she did, her eyes bent into crescents, she hugged his neck, and kissed him back.

It wasn't until the fireworks bloomed, illuminating the entire night sky, that the two backed away. Gu Yumet kept laughing. She leaned on his shoulder, and then untied the tied hair. The hair fell on his shoulder, soft and soft. smooth.

He Nanjie kept looking down at her, at her sweet smile, and her pouty red lips.

Gu Yuyu looked at the fireworks and laughed all the time at first, and then, watching her suddenly burst into tears.

He Nanjie frowned, and put his arm around her shoulder.

Gu Yumet cried, "I miss you so much!"

Then she turned around and hugged him, sniffing deeply at his scent.

(End of this chapter)

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