Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 146 He lost his temper with him for the first time

Chapter 146 He lost his temper with him for the first time
Gu Encounter's complexion changed, he really deserves to be a doctor, and he always has this kind of medicine on hand.

He Nanjie's face changed slightly, "Xiaocheng, I told you to leave my business alone."

He reached out his hand to throw the medicine away, but Gu Yu met first and fed it directly into his mouth.After swallowing the medicine, he smiled coldly at several people.

"Master He, remember what you said, I won't accompany you all, I'll go first."

She stepped on her high heels and walked towards the elevator. He Nanjie could hear from her footsteps that the girl was very angry.

Actually nothing happened last night?She thought it happened.

He Nanjie glanced at Xi Cheng coldly, "Xiaocheng, I hope you will not interfere in the matter between me and her in the future, otherwise I will transfer you back to Nancheng."

Xi Cheng sneered, "Jie, look, as soon as she appeared, your attitude towards me changed. You said before that if I treat you as a brother, you will treat me as a younger brother. Now for her, you have to Transfer me away from your side?"

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Ji Lingfeng tried to persuade him.

"Stop arguing, is it worth fighting between brothers for a woman?"

Let him wait here for half an hour, and what he saw turned out to be this kind of drama, but Jie should have been very happy last night, so he lost his temper with Xiaocheng. He used to be very kind to that kid.

He Nanjie stuffed his hands into his pockets, exuding a cold aura all over his body.

"None of you are allowed to interfere with what Gu and I met."

After speaking, he strode forward, and Xi Cheng called him.

"Jie, I don't want you to be cheated by her."

He didn't want Jie to follow the way of big brother and die so miserably.So what if you give all your heart?That girl doesn't care at all, she just tramples on it at will.

He Nanjie's expression became more and more cruel, how could he not know Xiaocheng's thoughts?But he has his own plan, I hope he can understand in the future.

Ji Lingfeng looked at Xi Cheng who was a little excited. The man who was always expressionless suddenly showed this appearance, which made Ji Lingfeng even more curious.

"Xiaocheng, is Gu Yuyu your ex-girlfriend?"

But the look in Xiaocheng's caregiver's eyes doesn't look like his ex-girlfriend, but looks like an enemy.

Xi Cheng tugged on his tie, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

"She doesn't deserve it."

When Gu Yu left the hotel, He Nanjie's driver got out of the car and opened the door for her.

"Miss Gu, Mr. He asked me to take you to the company."

Gu Yumet didn't hesitate and got into the car.

And in a black business car just behind their car, a pair of eyes stared at all the pictures of her leaving the hotel and getting into the car, he said to the people in front.

"Follow the car in front."

The car followed the car that Gu Yumet was sitting in and arrived at her studio.

After she got out of the car, He Nanjie's driver drove away.

The man lowered the car window, raised his eyes slightly, and a cold smile appeared on his lips.

His face was exactly the same as that of He Nanjie. He raised his hand to touch the left side of his face. There was a very shallow mark there, which couldn't be seen without looking carefully.

His smile grew darker as he finally commanded.

"go back."

The black commercial vehicle drove away slowly.

When Gu Yu entered the studio, his assistant came over.

"Sister YJ, there is a TV station that wants to invite you to a show, see if you want to accept it."

Many programs wanted to invite her to participate, and they were all the most popular. If she appeared on these programs, it would be a good publicity for YJ.

Gu Yuyu handed her the bag, "I don't accept any shows. In the future, I won't be on shows except for releasing new products. I'll have this dress sent to dry cleaning."

 Moran-Only love one person, never leave. Two classmates won the prize. Join the group to find the author to receive the cup. (581313833)
(End of this chapter)

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