Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 155 Workaholic

Chapter 155 Workaholic

Sister Mei had never seen her so happy before, so she was a little confused.

Didn't they just quarrel?Why are you so happy?Could it be that Yu Yu really doesn't like Mr. He at all?
Are you so happy because you broke up?

Sister Mei was dazed, watching her smile happily, that kind of beautiful and charming smile.

She walked up to the two children, hugged Xiaoye, and then held hands with Xiaoxiaoya and they danced.

The little girl laughed happily, "giggle..."

The house instantly became lively, exaggerated by the laughter of the two of them.

Xiaoye finally assembled a car. He carefully put it on the side coffee table, then got up, frowned and looked at the two girls who had been circling.

They are all wearing beautiful skirts, and they look really good when they turn around, like two beautiful little flowers.

He coughed a few times, "Gu Encounter, Yesi Yan, I hope you can always be this happy."

It's really rare to see Mommy like this.

When Xiao Xiaoye saw them smiling, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Xiao Xiaoya cast her gaze, "Brother, dance with us too, it's fun."

"No, you girls can just dance. I'm going upstairs to take a shower. Remember to go to bed early."

Gu Yuyu looked at his son, who was still rigid in his routine, taking a shower and going to bed when the time came, and now he could take care of everything by himself.At such a young age, her maturity surprised her a little.

Sister Mei said to Gu Encounter, "Don't worry, I'll go up and accompany him."

Gu Yuyu and Xiao Xiaoya sat on the ground, and Xiao Xiaoya crawled to her side and leaned against her.

"Mommy, have fun today, Yaya will play like this every day from now on."

Her little hands were holding her clothes, and there was a sweet smile on her little face.

Such a picture is beautiful and warm.

Gu Yumet bathed the little girl and told her a story. She fell asleep listening to the story, so she put down the book and carefully tucked her in the quilt.

She looked at Xiao Xiaoya's sleeping face with a smile, and hoped that her life would be happy.

At least never have the shadow of being abandoned by her parents affect her, and she will never tell her.

Leaving her only a night light, she withdrew from her bedroom.

Back in her room, she took the mobile phone and saw that He Nanjie made two more calls, but she ignored it.Instead, he dialed out the number of the abandoned son, he must be Ye Siheng.

There can't be three similar people in the world, right?She felt that the chances of this were not high, so she intuitively told her that Ye Siheng was not dead and he was back.


He Nanjie originally started working tomorrow, because a certain woman kept refusing to answer the phone and hung up on him inexplicably, which made him very upset.

So I asked the people in the branch office to hold a meeting overnight and worked all night.

He comes to the branch in this country four times a year, once a quarter, and this time is the shortest time he plans to stay. It only takes three days, two days to come and go, and the middle day is used for work.

This kind of time is already considered very rushed, and now it is absolutely crazy to work directly overnight.

At eight o'clock the next morning, He Nanjie's eyes were bloodshot. He hadn't slept all night, held a meeting for several hours, signed a lot of documents, and read the report.

At this moment, he had thick dark circles under his eyes. He took a sip of coffee from the branch secretary, and then took a rest.

"Secretary Li, I've finished all the work here. I've booked a ticket for ten o'clock. I'm going back to China."

The secretary was stunned for a moment, the president must be in a hurry, he just arrived last night, and then the whole company was forced to work overtime overnight, after the meeting, everyone else went home, but he stayed here alone to deal with it Work.

"Okay, President." She replied.
Ask for tickets, ask for comments, I hope the book review area will become active, and everyone can guess the plot as much as they want. ---
(End of this chapter)

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