Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 158 He is here

Chapter 158 He's Back
Gu Yuyu dressed up specially today, wearing her favorite red dress, which is also the color he likes her to wear.

But he didn't see a single change in his eyes, as if she was wearing something?None of it mattered to him.

There was a trace of disappointment in her heart, but she soon stopped thinking about it.

He must be very disappointed with what she did before, so no matter how indifferent he is, she won't care.

The dishes came out quickly, Gu Yumet peeled the shrimp for him, but he shoved it to the side of the plate.

Gu Yuen's eyes brightened slightly, "Don't you eat seafood?"

Ye Siheng is allergic to seafood, so is he?

She stared at him with bright eyes, wanting to hear his explanation, but he just ate in silence.

Perhaps feeling Gu Encounter's gaze, he raised his eyes to meet her gaze.

"I am allergic to seafood."

Gu Yuyu almost screamed, it's the same, it's really the same.

Is he Ye Siheng?

Abandoned son continued to eat the food in his bowl and reminded her.

"Don't look at me all the time, eat."

Gu Yumet lowered his eyes a little shyly, picked up the rice with chopsticks, but didn't eat it.At this time, she was very happy, so happy that she had no feeling for food at all.

She really wanted to ask directly, but she was afraid of scaring him away.

She decided not to ask for the time being, the way of getting along is quite good now.And she also wanted to see that mole on his body, if he had it too, then he would be no different from Ye Siheng.

But the mole was on his chest, so it wasn't easy to see.

She would give him food from time to time while she was eating, and he would accept it, so he really wasn't picky about food.

Thinking of the noodles he ate at that place yesterday, did he have a bad life these years?I feel a little distressed.

In the past, he called the wind and called the rain, and there was nothing he couldn't get. He didn't expect to be reduced to the end of eating a roadside stall.All of this has something to do with her. She thought he was the one who killed her father and her enemy, but now she is beginning to suspect that she will definitely find out who killed her father back then.

At this time, the voice of his subordinates came from the abandoned son's headset, "Boss, He Nanjie is here and has already walked to the restaurant."

He got up suddenly, "I have something urgent to do, so I'm leaving first."

He walked quickly to the kitchen of the restaurant, and Gu Yuyu called him.

"The door is over here."

But he walked inside as if he didn't hear it.She wanted to follow, but just as she got up, she heard a cold voice.

"Gu met..."

She cast her gaze and saw He Nanjie in black formal attire, with cold eyes, striding towards her.

"Who are you eating with?"

His people were led away again, which made him very upset. Who is against him?
Gu Yuyu sat down and continued to eat her meal.

"Just a friend. He just left because of something."

"Male and female?"

Someone stared at her with black eyes, as if trying to see through her.

Gu Yuyu said coldly: "Young Master He, whether male or female, this is all my business, and you have nothing to do with it."

He Nanjie's eyes were about to burst into flames, and it was anger. The girl's sudden indifference must have something to do with that person.

He was no longer angry, sat down slowly, glanced at the tableware in front of him, then called the waiter, told them to remove it, and brought him a new one.

He Nanjie started to eat unceremoniously, he hadn't eaten decent food all day, the meal on the plane was terrible, he couldn't eat it at all.

So there are ready-made ones at this time, and they are eaten directly.

Gu Yuyu frowned and looked at him, "Master He, I didn't let you eat."

A wicked smile flashed in He Nanjie's eyes, "Gu Yumet, since you hugged my thigh, you have no freedom to escape, understand?"
Ask for a ticket ---
(End of this chapter)

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