Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 164 Mr. He is very good at dealing with children

Chapter 164 Mr. He is very good at dealing with children
He Nanjie closed the door and entered the house. Sister Mei had already coaxed the two children. She went downstairs to check the doors and windows and turn off the lights.Seeing He Nanjie coming in, she called him.

"Master He, haven't you rested yet?"

He Nanjie was very angry when he thought of the scene just now, wondering if that kid is taking advantage of Gu Encounter now.

"Well, the guests just came and just sent them off."

After speaking, he walked towards the stairs with a quick pace.

Sister Mei suddenly said, "Mr. He, Yuyu has a scar in her heart. She always closes herself in her own world, and it is difficult to get out. If you really like her, please tolerate her."

Hernanjie's steps paused slightly, can't she get out?
In fact, he really couldn't understand her. What was she stuck in and couldn't get out of?

Could it be because of him?Did his death really affect her in the slightest?
A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, hoping that she could really have him in her heart.

When He Nanjie entered the bedroom, he saw Tiantian hugging Gu Encounter's neck and kissing her face the whole time.

Gu Yumet was dressing him, and said as he put it on, "You are so old, don't you know how to dress yourself?"

It seems that this kid is about the same age as Xiao Xiaoye, but this kid can't take a bath or put on clothes. There is really no way to compare with Xiao Xiaoye.

He Nanjie said coldly: "Don't kiss her."

During the day, she kissed her fair face again, "Honey, I'll be with you from now on. My mommy beats me every day, and my daddy doesn't like me either. I can only play by myself at home. I'm not happy, I Wanna be with you."

He hugged her tightly and did not let go, Gu Yumin frowned.

"Hey, how can I help you put on your pajamas like this, let go quickly."

I didn't expect Bai Mu and Gu Qingye to treat children badly, no wonder this kid became like this.

"Your daddy will come to pick you up tomorrow, and you are not allowed to come again in the future."

He Nanjie said in a cold voice, then took off his little hands, and helped him to dress himself, but the movement of putting on his clothes was not very elegant, and he pouted from the pain during the day.

"Honey, I'm in so much pain, help me put it on!"

He blinked his big eyes at her.

"Let this uncle help you, he prefers to dress children."

This kid is really annoying. He keeps kissing her, making her face drool. She needs to wash it off.

He Nanjie dressed him, then held his small body with one hand, and walked towards the door.

"You take a bath, I'll take him to the guest room to sleep."

Gu Yumet really didn't see him taking care of a child before, so he was a little worried during the day, but that kid should be educated.

"Well, then leave it to Mr. He."

Gu Yu went into the bathroom and started crying during the day.

"No, I don't want to sleep with you, I want to sleep with my wife, I only want her."

He Nanjie didn't allow him to say more, he left Gu Yuyu's bedroom with his arms in his arms, went to his previous guest room, threw the kid on the bed, and said coldly.

"Cover yourself with the quilt, close your eyes and go to sleep."


During the day, he rubbed his eyes and cried, "I don't want to sleep, I don't want to sleep."

The little guy started to play tricks, but it was useless to He Nanjie.

"I'll tell you, if you don't sleep well, I'll throw you out. Anyway, your daddy isn't here, and neither is your mommy. No one will love you."

Hearing that he was going to be thrown out, during the day he moved his little hand away and looked out the window at the dark night, his little body trembled.

So he could only pull up the quilt obediently and fall asleep.

He Nanjie turned off the light, then closed the door and went back to Gu Yuyu's room.

When Gu Yu met came out of the shower, he saw the man standing in front of the window smoking a cigarette, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"You, why are you back?"
Ask for a ticket ---
(End of this chapter)

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