Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 171 Protect her or spy on her?

Chapter 171 Protect her or spy on her?

He Nanjie took a deep puff of cigarette, is that girl looking for something?

He clicked on the photo sent by his subordinates and looked at it. She was wearing a pair of plaid trousers today and an avocado-colored ruffled chiffon shirt on top, which was pretty and lovely.

But the way she bent over to look for something made his brows frowned even tighter.

"You all go down and help her find it, just let her wait in the car."

Seeing her like that, he felt distressed again, so he ignored it and asked his subordinates to help her.

Yin Zhong responded, "Okay, young master."

After hanging up the phone, Yin Zhong got out of the car with his brothers, and they walked to Gu Yumet's side.

"Miss Gu, what did you lose? Tell us, and we'll find it for you. In such hot weather, just wait in the car."

Gu Yuyu was rummaging through the ring while combing her hair, when the sudden appearance made her stunned.

She stood up straight and looked at the tall men opposite. They were all wearing black suits, with no expression on their faces, judging from their standing postures and body shapes.

They were all professionally trained, so she naturally didn't know that these people followed her all day long.

"You are?"

Yin Zhong nodded slightly: "We are Mr. He's bodyguards, and we are responsible for protecting you now. No matter what you need, you can come to us."

Gu Yumet's face turned pale slightly, someone from He Nanjie?

She was looking for the ring. If he knew that the ring was thrown away by the abandoned son, his identity might be exposed.

Until she was sure that the man was Ye Siheng, it was better for her not to let He Nanjie know for the time being.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Oh, I lost one of my pins, so I probably can't find it, so don't bother everyone."

Gu Yuyu came out from among the flowers, smoothed out her curly brown hair elegantly, gave a slight nod to those people, and then got into the car.

She drove forward, Yin Zhong and the others watched her leave, then quickly got into the car and followed behind her car.

When Gu Yuyu saw the car following him in the rearview mirror, his eyes darkened.

It turned out that He Nanjie had people following her all along. Is this protection or surveillance?
It seems that she has to be careful even if she asks to abandon her son in the future.

What if he was really Ye Siheng?Then she must never hurt him again.

She thought of that ring. If she couldn't get it back, she would owe Mr. He 8000 million. She couldn't afford it, so would she really have to pay for it for the rest of her life?
Feeling a little irritable, she went to the studio and stayed in the studio all day.

When he was about to get off work, Gu Yumet called Abandoned Son, and the connection was made quickly.

"Mr. Abandoned Son, I have a party here in a hot spring resort and I need to bring a male companion. I want to invite you. Do you have time?"

She didn't know if he would agree or not, so she spoke a bit convolutedly, and was afraid of being rejected by him.

In fact, she may or may not go to this party, but if he wants to go to the hot spring, he has to wear swimming trunks, then he can see the mole on his body, so he can be sure if he is Ye Siheng.

She knew that man would never admit it to himself, maybe he still hated her very much.

So she can only find a way to find evidence by herself, to determine whether he is still alive or not?

There was a moment of silence over there, and Gu Yumet's heart arose.

"Are you listening?"

There was a vibrato in her voice, and she was afraid that he would refuse.

Gu Yumet was really eager to know if he was still alive, so he was so excited that he could hardly breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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