Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 174 He was injured

Chapter 174 He was injured
He Nanjie's sword eyebrows slightly raised, someone who looks exactly like him?
How many people in this world look exactly like him?He himself was a little confused.

He hung up the phone, grabbed the cigarettes and lighters on the table, and strode towards the door.


Gu Encounter and Abandoned Son arrived at Beishan Hot Spring Resort, which was opened by a friend of hers, so she was invited to come and play. Today is the opening ceremony.

This friend is from the small town of Beishan, where she has a large flower field.And Gu Yumet often came to buy flowers, so he became good friends with her.

As soon as the two got out of the car, Yun Feifei greeted the guests at the door, and when she saw Gu Yuyu, she greeted them.

"Meet, why didn't you bring the two little guys over?"

Yun Feifei is very familiar with her. When she comes over on weekends, she will bring her two children, so she is also very familiar with them.

Gu Yuyu glanced at the man beside him and smiled faintly.

"They have to go to school tomorrow, so I didn't let them come together."

Yun Feifei glanced at the abandoned son, "This is your boyfriend?"

Gu Yumet hurriedly explained, "My friend, not my boyfriend."

She doesn't know why?Suddenly, he eagerly explained.

Yun Feifei blinked at her ambiguously, and whispered: "You look good, you can develop it."

This man was dressed in a dark blue suit, his expression was slightly cold, but his face was very handsome, he was considered a top-notch man.

Gu Yumet didn't say a word, "Go and receive the guests, we're going in."

Yun Feifei enthusiastically welcomed the two into the door, and the two entered the yard, where there were already many guests, chatting in twos and threes.

There are plenty of lights in the yard, and there are landscape lights hanging on the trees. The whole yard is very beautiful and has a strong festive atmosphere.

Gu Yumet also only knew Yun Feifei, so she told the abandoned son.

"Let's eat something first, and after eating, the two of us will go to the hot springs. I heard that the hot springs are very good for the body. There are more than 30 kinds of minerals."

Her voice was faint, and she was not an enthusiastic person, so she couldn't warm up.

And the abandoned child looked at the happy people inside, completely wondering why others could be so happy?
There was almost no expression on his face, faint and cold.He has been like this since he was a child, without emotions or anger, with a pair of eyes observing the world, but never expressing it.

"it is good."

He replied quietly, and the two went to the dining area.

Gu met with some food and sat with him at the round table in the yard.The location they chose was quieter, in a corner.

Abandoned child silently ate the food on the plate, Gu Yuyu poked the food with a fork, looking at his face with his eyes.

"How did you get the scar on your face?"

Looking at the large area, could it be that he was injured by the gun last time, so he survived?
At that time, she only remembered that his face was covered with blood, and her clothes were all covered with it. No matter how she shook him, he kept his eyes closed, so she thought he was dead.

The abandoned child's eyes darkened slightly, and he raised his hand to touch it.

"Just a little trauma."

After that, the two hardly spoke much?Gu Yuyu found that he spoke very little, and his expression was very indifferent, very different from Ye Siheng.

However, after he experienced those things, it is normal for him to become indifferent!

After the two had eaten, they went to the small courtyard where they lived. Yun Feifei specially prepared a separate small courtyard for her. There were several small bubble pools in the courtyard, with various health-preserving effects.

Gu Yumet went back to her room in the south to change her swimsuit. The abandoned son's room was on the north side of the courtyard. He glanced at the swimming trunks in his hand, which Gu Yumet had prepared for him.

What she was afraid of was that he would wear that kind of one-piece, so she specially prepared a pair of swimming trunks for him.
Ask for a ticket ---
(End of this chapter)

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