Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 187 The first meeting

Chapter 187 The First Meeting

He finally saw a man who looked very similar to him, and as Leng You said, he almost saw himself as himself.

And why did Gu Encounter stay with him?If she likes this type of guy, then so can he.

Why didn't she choose him?Instead, stay with this guy.

His gaze became colder and colder, and his jaw tensed.

Seeing that his expression finally changed, Ji Lingfeng said softly.

"I'll have someone check it out."

And He Nanjie didn't object, anyway, this person must be investigated.

He really didn't hear that He Nanjie had any brothers?He looks so similar, who is he?
Bai Rushi noticed that both of them were staring at that side, so she cast her gaze over there.

"Jie, that person looks like you, is he your brother?"

Because they were so similar, she didn't know if he had brothers.

"Take me there to get to know you!"

Bai Rushi really likes this handsome man and really wants to get into his life, so she is very enthusiastic to get to know his family.

He Nanjie glanced at the man, then curled his lips coldly.

"So you want to know each other?"

His voice was cold, with a few hints of a wicked smile.

Bai Rushi nodded, "Of course! After all, they are your relatives."


He repeated it to himself, why didn't he know there was such a relative?
The two walked over there, and He Nanjie took the initiative to speak.

"Gu Yumet, is this your new boyfriend? Don't introduce me."

There was a dark fierce light in his eyes, and he looked at her unfriendly, with a questioning tone.

Gu Yuyu's expression was a little pale, she didn't expect that Mr. He would come to talk to them.

And she was not ready to talk to them, she looked at him coldly.

But the abandoned son spoke first, and stretched out his hand.

"Master He, I am the abandoned son of the boyfriend I met."

Hearing this name, He Nanjie frowned, abandoned son?What's the name?
And Bai Rushi's good mood was shattered when she heard Gu Yuyu's name. He was drunk that day and kept pulling her to talk, calling her Yuyu this name.

She thought it was his former girlfriend, or his deceased lover.

I didn't expect to see her here today, and the man next to her looks very similar to Jie, but they don't seem to know each other.

He Nanjie did not shake hands with the abandoned son, but his eyes fell on Gu Yumet's face lightly.

"Miss Gu, how can we say that we had an easier time in the past, after all, you don't need to be so ruthless when you meet my woman?"

His eyes became more and more cold, and he looked directly at her.

Gu Yuen chuckled, "Mr. He, you have been on the news every day recently, and there are so many beautiful women around you. There are not a few people who have been your women. And I don't know how many exes you have. It doesn't matter if you are unfeeling."

Gu Encounter's voice sounded a little muffled, obviously unhappy.

When others heard these words, they felt sour, and the abandoned son could tell that the two had feelings for each other.

Bai Rushi's heart tightened suddenly, it turned out that he and she were still thinking about each other.

She leaned on He Nanjie's shoulder declaratively, then squinted and smiled, decent and generous.

"Since Miss Gu is Jie's predecessor, why not let Miss Gu and Jie do the opening dance. After all, Jie wants to forget the past and welcome my new job."

She deliberately behaved generously, demonstrating to her that she was not afraid of the existence of Gu Yuyu, and she could completely possess He Nanjie.

(End of this chapter)

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