Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 190 You Bad Woman

Chapter 190 You Bad Woman
He Nanjie kicked open the door, walked out with Gu Yuyu in his arms, and ordered Leng You who followed him.

"Throw that man out."

It's fine if you dare to look exactly like him, but you dare to snatch women from him.

I'm looking for death...

"Yes, sir."

He Nanjie carried Gu Yuyu to another room and threw him directly on the bed.

He stared at her fiercely, "Gu Yumet, if you want it, I'll give it to you."

After saying that, he rushed over and grabbed her hands.A pair of eyes stared at her, "Do you want it?"

When Gu Yuyu saw his mad look, his heart trembled slightly.

She felt a little wronged, she just wanted to make sure if that was Ye Siheng.

He couldn't think of anything else, so he was very angry, and tears rolled down his face.

His eyes were shining brightly, but it made him feel very distressed.

"It's useless to cry, talk."

Gu Yumet's tears flowed more and more violently, and his red lips were angry.

"He Nanjie, you are too much, you already have girlfriends, and you always want to control me."

If he hadn't appeared again and again, she would have seen his mole long ago.

Whether there is, just a glance.

That was her hope, her only hope.

So the more he cried, the harder He Nanjie panicked.

"Don't cry."

"You don't care, let your little girlfriend go."

Gu Yuyu kicked him, and she didn't know what happened to her?
In front of him, it was always like this, she would vent, and she would become not like herself.

All pretense, all arrogance is gone.

He Nanjie's eyes softened little by little, and he let go of his hand.

Wipe her tears for her, "I just want to care about you."

What girlfriend?He doesn't care at all.

Gu Yuyu looked at his gentle eyes and the movements of his hands.

He thinks he's fine, but when she cries, he panics.

That look, like a child who has done something wrong, is a bit ridiculous.

Seems overwhelmed, and then he'll let go of all his emotions.

She seemed to know him better and better, and she was right.

She suddenly hugged his neck and rubbed her head against him.

The sudden movement made He Nanjie stunned, and his eyes became warmer and warmer.

He raised his hand and hugged her tightly, "Don't cry."

The original anger also disappeared, he himself forgot why he was angry?

Gu Yu met cried for a while, and then said something.

"Master He, I'm going back, let's celebrate your girlfriend's birthday with you!"

He Nanjie was a little bit reluctant, and a trace of reluctance flashed in her black eyes, but she knew her temper, avoiding force would only make her furious.

"I send you."


She didn't refuse, sat up straight, adjusted the dress on her body, and adjusted her hair.

Standing up straight, she became that arrogant and indifferent beautiful woman again.

He Nanjie stood aside, raised his hand and tugged at the tie, then threw it on the bed, and said in a low voice.

"Let's go!"

Gu Yuyu walked out the door, followed by Mr. He handsomely.

The two went downstairs, attracting countless gazes.

Bai Rushi walked over, with a hint of worry in her eyes.


She reached out to hold him, He Nanjie said coldly.

"Here is for you, we broke up."

Bai Rushi was in a hurry, crying.

"Jie, you can't treat me like this, I really love you!"

It drew the eyes of all the guests, and they were all very curious.

Bai Rushi pointed at Gu Yuyu, "Gu Yuyu, you, the third party, if you hadn't always been attached to him, how could he have broken up with me, you bitch."

(End of this chapter)

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