Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 193 Both of them are sick

Chapter 193 Both of them are sick

He Xianjie seemed to feel her hug, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was that kind of warm and happy smile, Gu Yu met smelled the familiar smell on his body, not the scent of any other woman.

Even if he had been with Bai Rushi just now, he didn't have the slightest taste of her.

Gu Yuyu thinks he is good like this, and she doesn't like him smelling like someone else.

A certain woman thought so selfishly, but she didn't realize that she had changed.

She smelled his scent, leaned her head back, rested it on her shoulder, and stayed with him.

Two hours later, He Nanjie slowly opened his sleepy eyes.

He snorted softly, feeling the woman in his arms.

He Nanjie's eyes moved down slightly, and when he saw her beautiful little face, his eyes stopped.

The images of the night flashed through my mind, and suddenly it seemed like my memory came back.

Seeing that her gaze became deeper and deeper, there was a faint smile on her thin lips.

It can be seen that Mr. He is in a good mood at this time.

It's just that after sitting in this posture for more than two hours, everything is sour.

Seeing that she was fast asleep, she endured the restraint of her long arms and legs, not wanting to wake her up.

So he kept the sitting posture just now and watched her sleep.

About half an hour later, Gu Yuyu just moved a little, and opened his beautiful eyes, which were shining brightly.

When she saw his bottomless black eyes, there was finally light in her eyes. She wanted to sit up straight, but He Nanjie hugged her tightly, not letting her move.

"We don't sleep in a big bed, but we have to squeeze in the car."

He had a very warm expression on his face, and he was smiling when he said this.

Gu Yumet was finally fully awake now, and his whole body had returned to its icy appearance.

"It's you who fell asleep and didn't let me move. I can only sleep in the car with you."

At this moment, the two of them were so close that they could feel the breath of their words.

He Nanjie didn't want to let go, but Gu Yuyu grabbed his big hand with both hands.

"Get out of the car, my back hurts from sitting on it."

The two actually slept in the car for nearly three hours. Sleeping in this kind of space is really uncomfortable.

She stared at him with angry red lips, her eyes were obviously not happy.

He Nanjie knew her temper, so he didn't embarrass her any more. In fact, he was not much better.

He let go of Gu Yumet, Gu Yumet tidied up his clothes, then opened the door and got out of the car.

When He Nanjie got out of the car, he saw the girl standing at the door and looking at him, as if she was waiting for him.

He looked at her deeply, with a hint of a smile in his eyes, and the two of them just looked directly at each other.

Gu Yuyu felt that this man looked more and more pleasing to the eye now, but he didn't know why?
"You've been drinking, do you want to go in and sit for a while, waiting for your driver to come?"

Her eyes were slightly bright, with a tenderness that had never been seen before.

This kind of her is something He Nanjie has never seen before, especially this time when she meets, she is always cold and doesn't care about anyone.

But at this moment, she seemed to have a little warmth, and there was emotion in her eyes.

It was no longer looking at strangers, his heart warmed slightly, and he strode towards her.

"I'm a little dizzy, I must have drunk too much."

Only he knew how much he drank, but Gu Yumet believed it.

"Well, go in, I'll make you sober tea."

He Nanjie originally wanted to pull her into his arms, but he was afraid that she would be disgusted, so he suppressed that thought.

Walking beside her, both of them had smiles on their faces, and they walked towards home.

(End of this chapter)

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