Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 196 Wait for me

Chapter 196 Wait for me
Hearing this, Gu Encounter's heart still trembled slightly, although what happened between them?

But like tonight, a subtle change seems to have taken place.

He Nanjie took her hand, and the two walked upstairs, neither of them spoke, but everyone knew what tonight meant?
Mr. He will not let go of this kind of opportunity. This kind of change in this woman is probably rare in a thousand years.

So he has to cherish it, and cherish it well.

It's best to be able to rely on him for the rest of his life, otherwise he would be a fool.

The moment Gu Encounter's bedroom door closed, Gu Encounter's heart trembled again.

She quickly withdrew her hand, "I'm going to take a shower first."

Gu Yuyu entered the bathroom as if fleeing, until the moment the bathroom door closed, she was relieved and leaned against the door with a smile in her eyes.

The man was outside, and her heart seemed to start beating again.

She didn't think much about it, she just wanted to take a shower and go to bed, after all it was late at this time, and he would have to take a shower later.

He Nanjie was walking around in the bedroom, looking at the decorations in the bedroom, which were exactly the same as those he had in the Night Castle. Does this girl really like that bedroom?
In the past, she liked to stay on his bed, but he always chased her away at first, afraid that he couldn't help touching her.

But this girl never considered his feelings, so he could only take a cold shower, but she slept soundly, sometimes he really didn't want to bear it anymore.

But when he thought that she was still young, he couldn't bear it.

Thinking about it now, those beautiful things were all fake, but they seemed to have taken root in his mind and memory.

He didn't believe it, this woman's heart is a stone, and there will always be a day when she can warm her up.

Gu Yu met a bad thing only after taking a shower. She was too anxious just now, so she went straight into the bathroom and forgot to take her pajamas.

Can't help but look outside the door, he must be there, how is she going to get out?
Gu Yumet had no choice but to surround the bathroom, stand at the door and open a gap, calling him.

"He Nanjie, take off my pajamas."

He Nanjie's steps sounded, and when he walked to the door, he saw only half of her face, and a smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't speak, but turned back, and after a while there was a knock on the door.

Gu Yumet opened a crack and stretched out his hand, but the door was pushed open by him, and he strode in.

A pair of dark eyes stared at her, she was startled, took a few steps back, and pulled the towel on her body.Fortunately, she surrounded this just now, otherwise she would have to cover her face.

He Nanjie frowned, "Are you wearing a bath towel?"

It seemed a little disappointed, but he said it seriously, as if he was talking about work.

Gu Yumet snatched the silk pajamas from him, and cursed.


Then he pushed her out of the door, and after the door closed, He Nanjie smiled in a good mood.

This girl's shy look is really cute, and a warm color flashed in his eyes.

Gu Yuyu changed into her pajamas. Although it was a suspender skirt, she felt very comfortable, so she didn't think too much about why He Nanjie chose this kind of dress?
When she came out, He Nanjie was standing in front of the window holding a cigarette in his hand, which was not lit.Maybe he wanted to smoke, but finally thought she didn't like it, so he didn't light it.

Seeing her coming out at this time, he walked up to her in a few steps and hugged her into his arms.

Gu Yuyu was a little dazed, what happened to him?
Then his deep and sexy voice came from her ear, "Wait for me, don't fall asleep."

(End of this chapter)

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