Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 200 He Was Worried

Chapter 200 He Was Worried
In fact, Xiao Xiaoye didn't want to find him at all, he wanted to find Wei Yanyi more, but he was on a business trip recently, so the phone didn't get through.

Sister Mei called He Nanjie. He felt that the hospital here would do more if Mr. He came.

And Xiao Xiaoye also agrees with her idea, after all, he doesn't know how powerful that man is, but he looks quite powerful.

Gu Yumet is currently undergoing surgery, and they don't know what's going on, so Sister Mei and her two children are at a loss, and don't know what to do?
The little girl had already fallen asleep crying, and she was held by sister Mei at this time.

Xiao Xiaoye was holding Sister Mei's cell phone and talking on the phone.

He Nanjie stood up abruptly, "Did she have a car accident?"

He was obviously surprised that he didn't let anyone follow her today, because she said last night that she didn't like being followed.

"Which hospital? I'll be right over."

After Xiao Xiaoye said the name of the hospital, he hung up the phone and walked out of the office quickly.

Zukang saw him coming out and followed him.

"Is the young master leaving get off work?"

He Nanjie said calmly: "Go to the No.1 civilian hospital."

He made a phone call while walking, probably contacting the hospital, asking about Gu Yu's condition, and asking them to find the best specialist to treat her.

Zukang also heard that it was Ms. Gu who had a car accident and was in the operating room. Seeing the young master like this, they could only follow silently.

Anyway, he knew that Miss Gu could not be offended, and now she was injured, which was more serious than the young master himself.

So they have to be careful, he opened the door for Hernan Jie, and he said to the driver after getting in the car.

"Go to the No.1 civilian hospital, drive faster."

Seeing Zukang's order, the driver knew that the matter must be urgent, so he started quickly and rushed forward.

Since the driver also noticed that the young master's complexion was not very good today, and he was still on the phone, the more he talked on the phone, the worse his complexion became, so the two people in the car did not dare to show their anger.

He could only speed up, and drove the car faster.


Not long after finishing the phone call, Xiaoye saw a group of doctors coming out of the elevator and coming to the door of the operating room.

The leader was an old man in a white coat, they told Sister Mei.

"Don't worry, we will give Miss Gu the best medical resources, and she will be fine."

And the nurse brought milk and bread for the two children.

The little girl was woken up, and her big eyes opened brightly.


The first thing she opened her mouth was Mommy, and Sister Mei couldn't stop crying again.

"Don't cry, Yaya, Mommy will come out soon."

Xiao Xiaoye reached out to help her wipe her tears, "My sister won't cry, Mommy will be fine."

He's been thinking about it, and he's been praying.

Although Xiao Xiaoya couldn't help it, but seeing how brave her brothers were, she also wanted to be brave.So the little fist rolled in front of the eyes, wiping away the tears.

"Mommy is fine."

Xiao Xiaoye took the milk and handed it to her, "Drink some milk!"

The little girl with big blinking eyes took it, bit the straw, and fell silent.

The driver shortened the journey to over an hour to half an hour. When the car stopped in front of the hospital, he breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that the young master would not trouble him for the sake of his driving so fast.

He Nanjie pushed open the car door, stepped out of the car, and strode towards the hospital.

He was followed by a group of people, because the leading man was too dazzling, his figure was slender and tall, his facial features were recast, and his steps were fast, which attracted everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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