Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 202 They Can't Do Without Her

Chapter 202 They Can't Do Without Her

He Nanjie watched the old and the young leave, so he asked in a cold voice.

"Where did Gu meet get hurt?"

The dean knew about it before, and went to the operating room to see it.

"Miss Gu suffered severe head injuries and suffered intracranial hemorrhage, but the bleeding has stopped and her life is not in danger for the time being."

He just didn't want the children to hear her hurt. Now that he heard it himself, he couldn't bear it anymore, and a dark color flashed in his eyes.

"Intracranial hemorrhage?"

Then this car accident must be very serious. She usually drives very carefully. What's going on?

It's better not for someone to plot against her. If that's the case, he will pay back twice as much.

"The impact of the car accident was too strong, so Ms. Gu was seriously injured."

If it wasn't for the best expert who was transferred, and if it wasn't for He Nanjie's pressure, Gu Yumet might have died on the operating table.

Hernanjie's body was tense, so serious?
"What complications will she have after surgery?"

He had to inquire clearly about the worst condition. The dean looked a little nervous when he saw him. Although the operation was successful, no one can say for sure the recovery after the operation.

"Dean, tell the truth."

His voice was a few degrees colder, and Zukang on the side couldn't bear it any longer. He was afraid that he would get angry when he heard about his illness, and then lose his temper.

The dean took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead. The lock of hair on the forehead was wiped to the back, and the top of his head became bald.

"It depends on the recovery of the patient after the operation. If the recovery is good, he will recover. If the brain is injured, he may lose his memory, and the worst is to become a vegetable."

When he said this, He Nanjie grabbed his collar.

"What did you say? A vegetable? Will she become a vegetable?"

Even though that girl was still by his side last night, she really existed, but she was still so naughty and enthusiastic.

Why is it only one day?That's what she became.

He Nanjie regretted it, regretted that he should not listen to her, and really removed the bodyguards around her.

The dean was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, "Boss He, but Ms. Gu is in good condition, maybe this will not happen."

He felt that He Nanjie was about to throw a punch in a few minutes, and he was terrified.

And in his capacity, they didn't dare to mess around, they could only watch Miss Gu's recovery.

He Nanjie finally let go of him, because he saw that the three characters in the operation had been wiped out, and knew that she was going to come out.

After a while, the door of the operating room opened, and Gu Yumet was pushed out. Seeing her wearing an oxygen mask, his heart tightened. He walked over a few steps, held her hand, and called her.


But she closed her eyes and didn't respond. She had just finished the operation without any anesthesia, so it was impossible for her to wake up.

Seeing her being sent to the ward, He Nanjie stood at the door of the ward and said coldly.

"Give me a cigarette."

He just decided to quit smoking for her, but now he is restless and doesn't want to go in like this and scare the two children.

Just seeing them like that, I know they are scared.

Encounter has been taking care of them all these years, and she is their only support. If she is gone, they will definitely be very scared.

Zukang offered a cigarette with both hands and lit it for him.

When he took a deep breath and exhaled the smoke, his mood seemed to ease a bit.

Zukang said: "Young master, we found out over there. Miss Gu was riding in a car with an abandoned son, and was hit by a large truck. The driver was driving under the influence of alcohol and has been detained."

(End of this chapter)

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