Chapter 206
Gu Yuyu was so shocked that her eyeballs almost fell off, she hugged He Nanjie's hand.

"Little sister, did you recognize the wrong person?"

It's really scary to call Mummy as soon as they meet, so she is holding He Nanjie now, hoping that he can help her.

Seeing her reaction, Xiao Xiaoya blinked her big eyes, "Mommy, I'm Yaya, the little Yaya who likes Mommy the most."

Her voice was soft, and she looked at Gu Encounter with some fear, as if she was afraid that she would not want her.

He Nanjie patted her hand, "Sit on the sofa, we'll tell you something."

He has to tell her about her amnesia, and forget about the rest.

Gu Yuyu glanced at the little girl who was pouting and about to cry, then at the handsome little boy who looked like he came out of a cartoon, and blurted out something.

"Why do I think they are your children? They look alike."

She quickly backed away, and the little girl hugged her leg and didn't let go.

Gu Yuyu stretched out a finger and patted her transparent little hand, "Let go, baby, I'm looking for your daddy."

Xiao Xiaoya looked at the back of her little hand and obediently let go.Gu Yuyu ran to the sofa and sat down as if fleeing, hugged a pillow, and looked at them like a bad guy.

He Nanjie picked up the little girl who was about to cry, and whispered to her.

"Yaya don't cry, Mummy is just sick, she is not well yet, she can't remember us."

Hearing this, the little girl parted her mouth and looked at Gu Yuyu. No wonder she looked like that. She thought Mommy didn't like her anymore.

Xiao Xiaoye also saw it, and said to Xiao Xiaoya.

"Sister, don't cry, we will tell her who we are later."

He Nanjie spent an hour sorting out for her which year it is now?How old is she, the two children are hers, these things in time.

After hearing this, she was stunned, thinking that this man might be cheating on her.

Doesn't she know if she will have children?Amnesia?She didn't believe it even more.

But seeing that they treated her very well, let's not worry about it for now, and wait for her to find out the reason herself!

"Can we go back then? I don't like hospitals."

After He Nanjie asked the doctor about the situation, she agreed to go home. Sister Mei led the two children and walked in front. Gu Yuyu walked side by side with He Nanjie, holding a lollipop in her hand eating.

And this lollipop was given to her by Xiaoxiaoya, and she ate it very happily.

When approaching the elevator, a cold voice sounded.

"Gu met..."

She turned her head and took a look, a trace of horror flashed in her eyes, so she said to He Nanjie who was beside her.

"Is that your brother or brother?"

They look too much alike, if she hadn't known He Nanjie, she would have thought they were the same person.

He Nanjie glanced over with a sharp gaze, as if he wanted to cut him into pieces.

He had been going to see Gu Yuyu before, but was stopped by his people, but now he appeared directly in front of her, he was looking for death.

He Nanjie's bodyguard stopped the abandoned child outside, and he raised his voice.

"It was my fault that day that caused you to be hurt so badly, but do you remember what we said?"

He just told her that he was Ye Siheng, and then there was a car accident, does she still remember?

Gu Yuyu saw it, so he raised an eyebrow at He Nanjie.

"Are you rivals in love?"

Didn't expect you to be so popular?So I went over to talk to that man.

He Nanjie stopped him, "Don't go there, he is not a good person."

Although he did not find out the identity of the abandoned son, he felt that the appearance of this person was a conspiracy.

Gu Yu smiled badly, "I was just chatting with him, and I don't think he is as handsome as you."

After hearing this, He Nanjie was in a good mood, so he didn't stop her anymore, and suddenly felt that the girl's mouth became sweeter, making people like it.

Gu Yuyu walked up to him, crossed his arms and asked a question.

"who are you?"

Abandoned child frowned, why did she ask this question again?Do you want to test him?

"I'm Ye Siheng."

Gu Yuyu suddenly laughed, "Isn't Ye Siheng my son?"

——Ask for a ticket——

(End of this chapter)

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